Tuesday, January 31, 2017


I love taking something old and turning it into something new like these ideas for Super Bowl Learning!

Survey Says 
Let children do surveys (classroom, at home, etc.) to find out which team others think will win the Super Bowl. 

“Offensive,” “Defensive,” “Penalty,” “Referee,” “Substitution,” “Huddle” …How many football terms can you think of that might be meaningful to learn?

Jersey Math
Let children choose their favorite player’s number and write it on a paper jersey. How many facts can they think of that equal that number. 

Starting Line Up 
At the beginning of the day let children make two lines facing each other. Introduce one child at a time and let them run through the two lines as their friends give them high five and cheer.

Good Job
At the end of the day make a huddle and say, “Good job, team!”

How many players on each team? How many players in all?
How long is a football field?
How many points for a touchdown? Field goal? Safety?
How long is a quarter? How long is the entire game?
How many yards in a first down?

Let children estimate what they think the total score will be. After the game determine who guessed more – less - the closest?

Team Colors and Mascots
What are Denver’s team colors? What are Carolina's’s team colors?
Let children draw pictures and write stories about the different mascots.

Put out the scrap box and let children make pennants, hats, pompoms, and other paraphernalia.

Football Practice Game
Cut footballs out on the fold similar to the one shown. Write math facts on the front and the answer inside.
*These can be used for phonics, numerical order, question and answers, etc.

Brainstorm what players have to do to get ready for the game. Emphasize the importance of good nutrition, exercise, and studying the playbook. These are all things that are important to good students as well!!!

Circuit Training 

Here’s a super way to get some exercise when the weather is bad. Write exercises similar to the ones below on construction paper and tape them around the room. Divide children into groups of 2 or 3 and have them start at a station. Put on some music with a good beat. Time the children for one minute at each station and then say, “Switch!” Groups rotate in a circle around the room until they have completed each station.
*tire run (feet apart and arms out as you run in place)
*throw and catch (pretend to throw overhead and then catch a football)
*scissor jump (jump crossing legs right and then left)
*balance (stand on one leg)
*passing run (run in place as fast as you can)
*jump and catch (jump up in the air as you pretend to catch the ball)
*toe touch (touch toes and then hands in the air)
*squats (arms out front as you bend legs up and down)
*jumping jacks (jump out with arms up and then jump in with arms down)
*jump rope (pretend to jump rope in place)
*silent cheer leaders (jump and cheer without making any noise)

What does "NFL" stand for? Download a copy of the team logos (Mr. Google will help you) and make a visual matching game or memory game.

Monday, January 30, 2017


Teaching children how to make cards is the perfect way to integrate writing and art. You’ve heard the saying, “If you give a child a hammer she will find a million things to hammer.” If you teach children how to make a simple card they will want to make birthday cards, get well cards, thank you cards, invitations…. Put out the paper, markers, crayons, and scrap box and let them explore. 

Hint!  If your school doesn't celebrate Valentine's Day this provides another opportunity for children to make notes for friends and family members.

Basic Card
As simple as it seems to you, many children don’t know how to make a basic card. Demonstrate and then guide them to fold a sheet of paper (white paper or construction paper) in half and then into fourths as shown. Explain that they can write on the card or illustrate it with markers and crayons. Remind them to be sure and sign their name!

Hint! Kids really love envelopes, so if you go by a copy center they may donate envelopes that have been misprinted.
Children will also enjoy doing "fancy writing" on their cards where they put small dots on the end lines of letters.

Pop Up Card
This one is a little more complicated. (I usually cut construction paper in half to make this card.) Fold the paper in half. Cut two 1 ½” slits from the center fold as shown. Take that center tab and fold it inside. When you open the card it will pop up. Show the children how to write on the front of the card and then glue a separate graphic to the pop up tab.


Sunday, January 29, 2017


January 21st was National Hugging Day, but I think it should be changed to National Hugging MONTH! Could anything be better than a hug on a cold winter day?

If your school is cautious about hugging, demonstrate how to give a hug in sign language by making fists with your hands and wrapping your arms around your chest.

How about a “hall hug”? Cross index and middle fingers and wiggle.
An “eye hug” is a good way to greet visitors to your classroom. Children squeeze their eyes as they wrap their arms around themselves and then open them up and share the hug.

A “hand hug” can be done by placing your palm next to a partner’s palm. Wrap your thumbs around, squeeze, look in your partner’s eyes, and smile!
Someone told me that a “rainbow hug” is when you hug yourself, make a wish, and send love to someone far away.

Can your students think of other ways to give a hug?

Discuss why we hug people. How does it make you feel when someone hugs you?

For a writing activity ask your students to make a list of all the people they’d like to give a hug.

Give children a paper plate and ask them to draw their face on it. Let them trace around their hands and cut them out. Give them two strips of paper (12” x 2 ½”) for arms. They can glue the arms to the paper plate and then attach the hands. Use the “hugs” for a bulletin board or let children give them to someone special.
Here’s a great big hug from me to you today!!!

Saturday, January 28, 2017


Knock Knock
Who's there?
Atlas who?
Atlas, it's Valentine’s Day!

Well, it’s not quite Valentine’s Day yet, but I’ve got some jokes and riddles just perfect to share with your class this week.

Note!  If anyone accuses you of "joking around" with "instructional time" you can remind them that you are teaching homonyms, double meanings of words, and phonological awareness!!!

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Olive who?
Olive you!

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Sherwood who?
Sherwood like to be your Valentine!

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Pooch who?
Pooch your arms around me!

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Emma who?
Emma hoping you have a happy Valentine’s Day!

What do you call two birds in love?

What do you call a very small valentine?
A valentiny!

What did one pickle say to the other?
"You mean a great dill to me."

What did the elephant say to his girlfriend?
"I love you a ton!"

What do farmers give their wives on Valentine's Day?
Hogs and kisses!

What did the pencil say to the paper?
"I dot my i's on you!"

What is a vampire's sweetheart called?
His ghoul-friend.

What did the boy cat say to the girl cat on Valentine's Day?
You're purrr-fect for me!

What did the boy octopus say to the girl octopus?
Can I hold your hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand?

What did the boy owl say to the girl owl on Valentine's Day?
Owl be yours!

What did the girl squirrel say to the boy squirrel on Valentine’s Day?
I’m nuts about you!

What did the drum say to the other drum on Valentine’s Day?
My heart beats for you!

What did the boy bee say to the girl bee on Valentine’s Day?

You are bee-utiful!
What did the whale say to his girlfriend on Valentine’s Day?
Whale you be mine!

What did the boy bear say to the girl bear on Valentine’s Day?
I love you beary much!

What did the rabbit say to his girlfriend on Valentine’s Day?
Somebunny loves you!


Friday, January 27, 2017


Children will be thrilled with a little heart pointer.  Let them choose a sticker and attach it to the end of a craft stick.  They can use it to read, identify letters, shapes, and so forth.

A Little Gift
This is a simple Valentine gift that parents will treasure. Let children wrap a small box or a piece of Styrofoam with wrapping paper and a ribbon. (It would be extra special if the children designed their own wrapping paper.) Add this note:

Here is a little gift
That you can never see.
The reason it’s so special,
It’s just for you from me.
Whenever you are lonely,
Or even feeling blue,
You only have to hold this box
And know I think of you.
Please never unwrap it,
And leave the ribbon tied.
Just hold the box close to your heart,
It’s filled with love inside.

Valentine for Parents - Let each child take off one shoe and trace around her foot on white paper. Cut it out. Give each child 5 small pieces of red tissue paper to wad up and glue at the end of each toe for toenails. Write “I love you from my head down to my toes” on the foot.
*You can also make thumbprint cards or handprint cards for parents.
Check out my video to watch me demonstrate activities for February:

Thursday, January 26, 2017


King Kong (The more dramatic you are, the better the kids will like it and get engaged!  Say “King Kong” in a loud deep voice & “teeny tiny monkey” in a squeaky little voice.)
         KING KONG (Flex arms.)
         Was just a teeny tiny monkey (Hold up pinky.)
         Compared to my love for you. (Cross arms over chest and then extend.)
         KING KONG (Flex arms.)
         Was just a teeny tiny monkey (Hold up pinky.)
         Compared to my love for you. (Cross arms over chest and then extend.)
         I love you day (Make circle with arms.)
         And night. (Lay head on hands.)
         My love is out of sight. (Hands in air.)
         KING KONG (Flex arms.)
         Was just a teeny
         Tiny monkey (Hold up pinky.)
         Compared to my love for you! (Softly say this line as you point to children.)

Will You Be My Valentine?
(Tune: “Do You Know the Muffin Man?”)
Will you be my Valentine, (Point to various friends.)
Valentine, Valentine?
Will you be my Valentine?
I’ll be yours if you’ll be mine! (Point to self and then a friend.)

Some are red, some are blue, (Hold up fingers.)
Some have lace and ribbons, too.
Some are funny, some are not. (Smile and then shake head “no.”)
I like the candy ones a lot.
*Download this book at drjean.org.

Chocolate Play Dough – Make play dough using your favorite recipe. Omit the food coloring and let the children knead the dough in cocoa. It will look and smell like chocolate. Purchase a box of valentine candies and remove/eat the candies. Children can roll up the dough and put them in the paper containers.
Valentine Sandwich – You will need a heart shaped cookie cutter, bread, cream cheese, and red food coloring to make this sandwich. Mix the cream cheese with red food coloring until it is pink. Cut a heart out of the bread with the cookie cutter. Spread on the cream cheese.

Love Is… Do a language experience chart where each child completes the sentence, “Love is…” You could also make a class book where each child completes the sentence “Love is…” and draws things that she loves.
Predictable Books – Have children make blank books using one of these titles: Love is… I love… Happiness is… A friend is… My favorite things to love… Things I love from A to Z.

Heart Critters – Give children several choices of hearts in different colors. Children glue them on a sheet of paper and add details with markers to make imaginary critters. Ask them to think of a name for their critter.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Note: If you are at a school that doesn’t observe holidays, you can easily adapt these ideas for writing or math standards.

Special Delivery 
You will need a gift bag or cloth bag for this game.  Write "Special Delivery" on the bag. 
 Write each child’s name on an envelope and place it in the mailbag. One child is “it” and skips around the room as you sing the song below. At the end of the song, “it” reaches in the bag and chooses an envelope. “It” delivers the envelope to that child and they exchange places. The game continues until each child has had a turn and received an envelope. 
The Mailman's on His Way (Tune: “The Farmer in the Dell”) 
The mailman's on his way.
The mailman's on his way.
He's bringing lots of Valentines,
I hope he comes my way.

*Change to "maillady" and "her way" when a girl has the bag.

Hint!  Just use first names for younger children.  Write first and last names for older students.

Five Little Cookies 
(Hold up 5 fingers to begin.)
Down around the corner at the bakery shop
Five little cookies with sprinkles on top.
Along came (child’s name) with a penny one day.
He/she bought one cookie and ate it right away!

*Make cookies out of felt or fun foam. Pass out pennies to five children have them exchange their penny for a cookie when their name is called.
(I used puff fabric paint to make my sprinkles.)

Heart Puzzle
Cut 4" circles out of red paper. Cut 4" squares out of red paper. Give each child a circle and a square. Demonstrate how to fold the circle in half and cut on the crease to make two half circles (aka semi-circles). Can the children make a heart from the two halves and the square? 

Valentine Concentration
Cut 4” squares out of red poster board.  Take duplicates of valentine stickers and place them on the squares. Mix up the squares and place them face down on the carpeting. Play a memory game where children turn over two squares at a time and try to match up like stickers.

Here's the youtube link where you can watch me demonstrate these projects:

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


If you didn't get to see my Facebook Live yesterday here's the link where you can watch me demonstrate all of the February activities:

Come to think of it, conversation hearts were the beginning of text talk. According to a little research on the web, “Sweetheart” candies have been around since 1901. In the past decade the sayings have been updated with phrases such as “TEXT Me” and “LOL.” Although over 100 years old, it’s good to see these little candies alive and well. Here are some adaptations for using them as a springboard for learning.
                                               Conversation Hearts 
Conversation hearts are good to sort, count, read, pattern, add, subtract, and eat!
*Estimate how many will be in a bag. Count. Graph the ones that are the same.

Matching Game
Make a game by cutting paper hearts out of construction paper. Write like phrases found on candy hearts (such as “Kiss Me, “Cool One,” “WOW!” “Cutie Pie”) on two of the 
hearts. Glue one to a file folder and then have children match and read the ones that go together.

Heart Necklace
Let children make their own paper hearts, hole punch them, and then string them to make a necklace.  Encourage them to think of their own phrases they would put on candies.  (WOW! Trace, write, hole punch, and string - lots of small motor skills!)

Bringing Home a Valentine
(Tune: “Baby Bumblebee”)
I’m bringing home a valentine for you, (Cup hands and move them to
One that says, “I love you.” the beat in front of your body.)
I’m bringing home a valentine for you
With a great big hug, and a (kiss) (kiss), too! (Hug self and then kiss
              in the air.)
*Download this book to go with the song at drjean.org.

Mouse Bookmark – Cut a heart about the size of a child’s hand from red construction paper.  Fold in half. Open. Tape a 6” piece of string in the middle. Glue closed. Draw a nose, whiskers, and ears on the heart as shown to make it look like a mouse. Use for a bookmark.

Monday, January 23, 2017



Yeah, I know February is still over week away, but I'm going to be traveling next week so I wanted to give you some "LOVELY" ideas for February.  I'll post ideas all this week on my blog, and I'll demonstrate everything tonight on LIVE AT FIVE!  See you then!  

Will spring be early or late this year?  I guess we'll have to wait until February 2nd to find out!
Groundhog Day – February 2nd 

(Tune: “Say, Say, My Playmate” Happy Everything CD)
February 2nd, (Hold up 2 fingers.)
Is Groundhog Day.
Gather round his hole (Make circular motion.)
To hear what he’ll say. (Place hand by ear.)
Will spring be early
Or late this year?
Watch and listen
To what you’ll hear.

If he sticks his head out (Make a hole with one hand.)
On a sunny day (Stick the index finger from the other hand
His shadow will frighten him (up through the hole and wiggle.)
And he will say,
“I’ll go back in my hole (Tuck finger in your fist.)
And go back to sleep.
You’ll have winter
For six more weeks.”

If he sticks his head out (Make a hole with fist and stick up finger.)
On a cloudy day
He’s not frightened
So he will say, (Wiggle finger.)
“I think I’ll stay out
And the weather should clear.
Spring will be here
Early this year.”

*You can download the book at drjean.org.

Cup Puppet – Let children draw a groundhog or download one 
off the internet.   Staple to a straw. Punch a hole in the bottom of a paper cup and insert the straw in the cup. Raise and lower the groundhog as appropriate in the song.

Sidewalk Shadows – Go outside on a sunny day and have children stand with their backs to the sun. Let them make silly motions and play “Guess what I am?” Give them chalk and let them trace around each other’s shadows.
*Draw shadows at 10, 12, and 2 and compare.

*Play shadow tag where they try to touch each other's shadows.

Where’s the Groundhog? – Cut twenty 4” squares out of heavy paper. Write high frequency words, math facts, letters, numerals, etc. on the cards.  Glue a picture of a groundhog on a 3" circle.  Have the children sit on the floor in a circle. Mix up the cards and place them face up on the floor. Identify the numeral (etc.) on each card as you place it down on the floor. Tell the children to turn around. Hide the groundhog under one of the squares. Children turn back around and try and guess where the groundhog is hiding. One at a time children call out a number and then “peek” to see if the groundhog is under it. The first child to find the groundhog gets to have a turn hiding it. The game continues as children hide the groundhog and then try to discover his whereabouts.

Dramatize - Invite children to dramatize the groundhog peeping out of his hole. What if it's sunny? What if it's cloudy?

Note! Visit groundhog.org for more great ideas!

Sunday, January 22, 2017


Here ’s a true story that prompted this blog.

There was a shy little girl who took a dance class. (My granddaughter, actually.)  She stood in the back of the class and half-heartedly followed directions. At the end of the class the teacher pulled her aside and said, “You are special. I want you at the front of the class next week.” She beamed as she reported to her mother, “The teacher said I was SPECIAL!” That’s all it took! She was hooked and totally engaged the next class because of one little word.

I wonder how many of your students have never been told that they are SPECIAL? How are they ever going to be SPECIAL if they don’t believe they are? And the good thing about the word SPECIAL is that it encompasses many attributes. You can be a special reader or artist or athlete or talker or block builder or friend… There’s got to be some special little thing about each child in your classroom.

This week make it a point to pull aside each child individually, hold their hands, look in their eyes and say, “You are special.” You don’t have to say why or explain. YOU ARE SPECIAL! You might want to take your class list and cross through each name as you do this so you make sure you don’t leave anyone out.

Special Me
Here’s a song to sing to the tune of “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.”
Special, special, special me.  (Open and close fingers like stars.)

I'm as special as can be.  (Point to self.)
There is no one quite like me.  (Shake head "no.")
I'm as good as I can be.
Special, special, special me.  (Open and close fingers.)
I'm as special as can be.  (Point to self.)

Writing Activity
Have children complete this sentence. “I am special because….” They can write or dictate why they are special and then illustrate their sentence. Put their pictures together to make a class book called “We Are Special!”

Thank a Teacher
I had a special week singing at some low income schools in Charleston. I admire the teachers more than I can express. School is the BEST thing that happens to some of those children and I am grateful for such loving teachers. As difficult as their jobs may be at times, there's always something to make you laugh when you work with young children. These are some comments the kids made when they watched a video after my visit:

     How she come out that Smartboard?

     I knowed her!

     She my friend!

     That’s Ms. Dr. Jean!

     “Dr. Jean Luther Jr.”
  (My favorite!)

I've got games, stories, songs, books, and
 art activities to fill your February with love!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

B "Sees" D

Someone at a recent workshop asked if I had any “tricks” for helping children discriminate b and d. Most experts suggest that it is developmental and you shouldn’t be too concerned before the age of 7. However, I looked through my files and here are some tips.

B and D (Mary Ann Rosier)
Make a fist with each hand and put up the thumbs with fists facing each other. “B” comes first in the alphabet so the stick is first. “D” comes after “B” so the stick is on the right.
Using a copy of the alphabet underline “b c d.” Explain that “b” /c sees/ “d.”
B and D Discrimination (Mary Marsionis)
Children use left hand to make a sign language “b” and right hand to make a “d.” Say “big dog” to remember “b” and “d.”

B vs. D (Mary Myers)
Here’s another idea for helping children distinguish these letters. “B” has the bat (stick) and then the ball (circle). “D” has the doorknob (circle) and then the door (stick).
Draw a bed. Use a lowercase “b” for the headboard and a “d” for the foot of the bed. 

Write "b" on 10 index cards and "d" on 10 index cards.  Shuffle the cards and then ask the children to sort them.
Sensory Activities
Practice writing “b” and “d” in the air as you say:
Make a line and then a circle for “b.” Make the circle and then the line for “d.”

Have children roll play dough and place it on top of the letters.

Trace over letters in a sand tray.

Friday, January 20, 2017


How about some indoor games with "rigor"!  These games can be adapted from something as simple as shapes or colors to letters, numbers, words, vocabulary, math facts...whatever skill your students need to practice and master.

It’s important to remember that it takes several times before children “get” how to play a game. Introduce the game, play a few rounds, and then try it again the following day. Never drag out a game, but “quit while you are ahead” so they will want to play it again. In addition to reinforcing skills, these games will also develop the executive function (self-regulation) and 21st Century Skills (cooperation, collaboration, critical thinking).
Hint! Paper plates are cheap, durable, and make perfect flashcards for these games.

Skills: words, letters, math facts, colors, shapes, etc.
Materials: paper plate flashcards with information you want to practice
Directions: Do you remember the old game where you placed chairs in a circle and walked around until the music stopped? If you didn’t find a chair you were OUT! This is a similar game that can reinforce letters, words, colors, math facts, etc. Scatter the paper plates on the floor. Play some catchy music for the children to dance to. When the music stops each child finds a paper plate and picks it up. The teacher randomly points to various children to identify the information on their plates. Have the children place the plates back on the floor and continue dancing.
*If the child is unsure about what is on their plate invite them to “ask the audience.”

Skills: words, letters, shapes, colors, etc.
Materials: flashcards
Directions: Divide the class into two teams and have them stand on opposite sides of the room facing each other. Give each player a flashcard to hold in front of them. The teacher goes to one team and asks, “Who do you want to call over?” The children select someone from the opposite side and say, “Red rover, red rover, send (word) right over.” The child holding that word walks, hops, tiptoes, or jumps to the opposite side. The game continues as sides take turns calling words over.

Skills: words, letters, math facts, etc.
Materials: flashcards
Directions: Have the children close their eyes as you hide the flashcards around the room. Children open their eyes and hunt for the words. When they find one they bring it to the teacher and read it. Then they hide it again and look for another word. The game continues as long as the children are interested.

Skills: words, letters, numerals, shapes, etc.
Materials: flashcards
Directions: Seven children come to the front of the room and are given a flashcard. The rest of the class places their heads down. The seven tiptoe around and place a flashcard by a friend before returning to the front of the room. The seven join in and say, “Heads up! Seven up!” Children who received a flashcard stand up and identify the information on their card. They then get three guesses to determine who gave them the card. If they guess correctly they get to switch places that person.

Thursday, January 19, 2017


Snow, sleet, rain, oh, my!
Need a new game for when Mr. Winter won't let you go outside?
These are some of the games my children used to love to play.

Silent Touch
This is a great game to quiet children and build memory skills. The first child gets up and touches an object and then sits down. The second child gets up, touches the first object, then touches an additional object. The third child touches the first object, second object, and adds a third object. The game continues as classmates touch what the previous children have touched in sequential order and then add a new item. When a child forgets, simply begin the game all over again.

Four Corners (This is the BEST indoor game ever!)
Number each of the corners in the room ~ 1, 2, 3, 4. (You can write the numerals on paper and hang them up if you want.) Choose one person to be “it.” “It” hides their eyes and slowly counts from one to ten as the rest of the class tiptoes to a corner in the room. When “it” says “freeze,” everyone must be in a corner. “It” then calls out a number (1, 2, 3, or 4) and the children in that corner are out of the game. They sit down in the “stew pot” in the middle of the room. “It” counts to ten again as everyone moves to a new corner. The game continues until there is one person left. That person becomes the new “it.”
Hint! Shorten the game by having “it” call out two corners at a time.
*If there is no one in the corner, ask “it” to call out another number.

*Label the corners with sight words or vocabulary words.


One child is the “detective.” The detective describes a “missing child” (classmate), giving their eye color, hair color, description of clothing, likes, etc. The first person to identify the missing child gets to be the new detective.
Hint! Here is another variation of this game. Send the detective out in the hall. Select one child and hide him or her under your desk or behind a shelf. The detective returns to the classroom and tries to identify the missing child. (You can also let two children exchange seats and see if the detective can spot the switch.)

Hot Potato
You can use a small ball, bean bag, or stuffed animal for this game. Children sit or stand in a circle. Children begin passing the “hot potato” (ball or bean bag) around the room when the music starts. Explain that it is a “hot potato” and they need to pass it quickly to the next friend. When the music stops, the one holding the “hot potato” is out of the game and must leave the circle. If two children are holding it they are both out. The last child remaining is the winner. Begin the game again.

Silent Ball
You will need a small, soft ball for this game. Explain that the object of the game is to see how many times you can toss the ball without talking. Look at the person you are throwing the ball to so they will be ready. Silently count how many times we can throw the ball without talking or dropping it. If someone drops the ball then the game begins all over again.

Build a Snowman  (Peg Caines, Greensboro, NC) 
Talk about a fun activity on a snowy day! And what a perfect way to encourage children to cooperate, collaborate, and problem solve! Peg said she gave each group a snowman kit with a construction paper hat, nose, buttons, and mittens. There was also a crepe paper scarf, a roll of masking tape, and a roll of toilet paper. (It took them awhile to figure out what to do with the toilet paper.)                              

Wednesday, January 18, 2017


My webmaster just finished making this video where children can practice writing numerals. Have them stand and use their finger to make the numerals in the air as they follow along with the song.

Chant and Write
(Children echo each line.)

Zero is where it all begins- (Slap thighs to the beat.)
Curve down around and up again.

Number one is so much fun—
Pull straight down and you’ve got a one.

Number two is easy to do—
Up around down and across makes two.

Number three is simple to see—
Draw two humps sideways and that’s a three.

Number four I do adore—
Go down, across, then down some more.

We’ve reached five, now let’s not stop—
Pull down, circle round, put a hat on top.

Number six is easy to fix—
Big curve, small loop will give you six.

Number seven is really sizzlin’—
Straight across, slant down, and that’s a seven.

Number eight isn’t very straight—
Make “S” then back up for an eight.

Number nine I think you’re fine—
A loop on top of a long straight line.

Number ten we’ve reached the end—
Put a one by a zero and count again:

Activities: Challenge children to write the numerals with their elbow, foot, and other body parts.

Squirt shaving cream (non-menthol) on children’s desks and let them trace numerals as they sing.

Let children practice writing numerals on a paved surface with chalk.

Run off the attached book. Put little drops of glue on top of the numerals so children can trace over them as they sing.  Wouldn't this be perfect for the listening center?
