Tuesday, March 31, 2020


Lunch sacks are inexpensive and can be used in a variety of ways for crafts and learning activities. Children love to create and make things and this is a perfect way to make play creative and purposeful.


Open a lunch sack and roll down from the top to make a nest.   
*Let younger children roll play dough eggs for the nest.

*Older children can write stories about “How to Build a Nest” or make construction paper birds to go in their nests.

*Tie in with fiction and non-fiction books about birds.

Easter Basket 

Of course, the Easter egg hunts are going to be put on “hold,” but you can still make baskets from a lunch bag. Open and roll down like the nest and then staple on a pipe cleaner handle.
*Make your own “grass” by cutting green paper into strips.

Buildings and Houses  

To make a house, decorate the bottom of the bag with markers and construction paper. Stuff with newspaper and fold down the top. Staple on a roof.
To make a building turn a lunch bag upside down and decorate with construction paper and markers. Take a second bag and stuff with newspaper. Insert the decorated bag over this to make a stand up building.

*Create a village with masking tape for a road, toy cars, action figures, etc.


Insert your hand in the bag and decorate with markers, construction paper, and other art media to make a favorite character from a book or unit of study.

Treasure Map
Cut open a lunch bag to make a rectangle, wet, and wad up. Dry. Let children create their own treasure maps or other vintage writings.


Peek a Boo Books
Take 3 or 4 lunch bags and stack them up and staple as shown. Fold over the bottom flap. Write a riddle or question on the front. Open and draw a picture or write the answer under the flap.

Nature Hunts
Let children use bags for a nature hunt. They can look for leaves, rocks, and other natural items.                                         
Note! Encourage them to return the items to nature after collecting and observing them.

*As an inside scavenger hunt have children look for things that are a particular shape, color, start with a beginning sound, etc.

Cut strips from the top of bags to the flap. Roll up the bottom and wrap a rubber band around to make a handle. Use for singing alphabet songs, repeating patterns, cheering words, etc.  


Make 5 or 6 tears about halfway down from the top of the bag. Open and squeeze the bottom as show. Write alphabet letters on branches to make a Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tree.

*Decorate your tree with pastel tissue paper in the spring.

*In the fall tear red, orange, and yellow construction paper to make leaves.

*Sponge paint white in the winter to make snow.

Touch and Tell
Hide objects in the bag. Children close eyes, touch, and guess what it is.


Grumble Bag
When someone whines or complains tell them to, “Put it in the bag!”

Monday, March 30, 2020


I'm so glad that a teacher sent an email asking about the activity calendars in Spanish because I had forgotten all about them.  I know many of you have children who speak Spanish in their homes and are looking for activities.  Gabriela Davila Anaya from St. Joseph School in El Paso translated these for my September, 2014, website. Please check it out and share!

My webmaster (Alex May) has also created some videos with my songs in English as well as Spanish that some of your families might enjoy.




Sunday, March 29, 2020


If you didn't see my video yet, here's the link.

I've met such amazing teachers recently in cyber world. Heidi Pinder truly is a "YouTube Star" now with her channel. I asked Heidi to tell her story and to give some advice with using Zoom to stay connected with your students.

On March 15, back when “shelter in place” was just one of the many drills practiced by schools across the nation and toilet paper was still easy to come by, a parent tagged me on Facebook. Her child and his best friend danced with shaving cream beards leaving sticky white footprints across a soapy patio. The caption read “I think we are all losing it…” I didn’t, ‘like’, or share, or even comment on the post that evening, but the image of my adorable students haunted my sleep. I knew this mom, a former Kindergarten teacher and parent extraordinaire, was only half-joking, but I also realized that children across the nation would wake up the next day to no school. Spring Break was over, yet schools would still be closed and kids would be untethered.

If this mom and I were feeling overwhelmed by the shocking news, the lack of structure, and the confusion being shared about COVID19, then I knew that young children everywhere would also be sensing the unsettling atmosphere. When September 11, 2001 occurred in our nation, I was mom to a sassy red headed four year old and a clingy contemplative two year old and I was eight months pregnant. Although there was extreme uncertainty and fear on that day and the months to follow, my children still wanted to go to the park in our DC suburb. They still needed lunch and baths and stories and bedtime. It was challenging to be a mom in 2001, but I survived by taking care of myself, following our routine, and bringing comfort and joy to my family as best I could.

Combining my memories of being a mom of young children during a national crisis with my thirty years of knowledge as an educator, and my experience as an online ESL teacher, I logged back into Facebook and commented on the picture of my bored but excited students, “Oh, I miss these guys!!!! Big hugs from Mrs. Pinder. Be on the lookout for something from me in a bit.”

It was at this moment that Pinder Kinder was born! Pinder Kinder is my YouTube channel. It consists of 15-20 minute lessons. Each lesson centers around a theme and relates to books that Scholastic is currently offering for free on their remote learning website. My goal is to connect with kids and ease their trauma as I bring them comfort and joy. If they learn something along the way, fabulous! I sing, do finger plays, ask questions, listen, lead writing and drawing activities, count, tell jokes, and more. I never thought I would be adding YouTuber to my resume at age 51, but here we are!

Are we still “losing it”? Maybe, but we are having fun in the process and who knows what we’ll find while we’re looking.

Here is a link to Pinder Kinder, a YouTube channel created while the world was ‘losing it’:


Happy learning,
Mrs. Pinder



In addition to creating YouTube videos, I am also using Zoom to stay connected with my students. Zoom is a video conferencing platform that offers free and paid plans. Although I am not an expert, I highly recommend Zoom to stay in touch with staff members, friends, and even Kindergartners!

My class includes 2 teachers (myself being one of them), 2 paras, and 19 students of all abilities. Our first Zoom meeting was so fun! Of course, we had a few challenges, but here is what my co-teacher and I learned:

● If you are new to Zoom, do a practice Zoom meeting with your team or friends to try out the features. If you are not the ‘host’ of the practice meeting, have the ‘host’ of the meeting explain all of their features, especially ‘mute’.

● Set up your meeting time and date, email the link to the parents. Include your district supervisor in the email. Check all district guidelines and follow to the best of your ability. If in doubt, get pre-approval. Guidelines are changing daily and sometimes hourly.

● Decide if you want to allow your students to ‘enter the meeting’ prior to ‘you’ (the host). We (my co-teacher and I) did allow our students to enter ahead of us and the kids had a great time. Some logged on as much as 20 minutes early and they loved chatting and acting silly together. They were thrilled to see each other! The more students there are, however, the harder it becomes to hear. My co-teacher created the meeting, so I was able to enter as a participant a little early with my camera turned off and observe the kids. It was a hoot!

● Decide if you want to mute your students’ (‘participants’) mics. We tried to mute everyone, but ran into a snafu so we started our meeting as a free-for-all and never were able to mute everyone’s mics. No worries, however, my brilliant co-teacher (Mrs. Covington) got the class’ attention, instructed them on how to mute their mics, and proceeded with our plan. Remember, we are teachers. We are flexible! I believe the current term is ‘fluidity”, but no matter, teachers have been doing this since the beginning of time. Use one of your regular ‘attention getters’ and move on just as you normally would.

● Make a plan for your meeting and share it with any other teachers/paras that will be participating in your Zoom. The purpose of our Zoom was to connect. Our district has explicitly asked us not to instruct through Zoom.

● Our plan (also, what really happened :):

○ Gather with mics muted: wave and smile (our mics were not muted, so the kids chatted/waved/showed off their siblings and toys)

○ Welcome: Mrs. Covington, my co-teacher, greeted class and taught everyone ‘Good Morning’ in sign language. We all said ‘Good Morning’. Mrs. Covington instructed students how to mute mics. She addressed each student by name as needed to troubleshoot. Some parents assisted. She gave a brief overview of our Zoom class meeting.

○ Song: I led our “Friends Song” with mics muted. (I suggest you choose a very familiar song that has hand motions. This part was adorable!)

○ Share time: Mrs. Covington called students one at a time to share something happy that had happened to them since we were last together. She shared first and then called on others to share. If things had gone as planned, she would have un-muted student mics as she called on them, but instead she instructed them how to unmute their mics as she called on them and reminded them how to mute them again when she was done. She reminded them of ways we can respond when people share: sign language for same, heart hands, thumbs up, silent cheer. They didn’t have to share if they didn’t want to and some siblings shared. One student chose to keep his camera off, but still listened. Some parents assisted. It was a beautiful time.

○ Read aloud: I read The Feelings Book by Todd Parr, a familiar book. Students acted out the feelings. Students kept their mics muted.

○ Good-bye: We sang “Skidamarin” (this is our usual end of the day song), waved, and blew kisses. Mrs. Covington ended the meeting.

I loved Zooming with my class even though it was heartbreaking to see how much they miss school. I teared up a few times, but we can’t wait to Zoom again next week.

Happy Zooming,
Mrs. Pinder 

Saturday, March 28, 2020


Here's a link to the video I did yesterday on PRIME TIME Circle time:

I’ve always believed that you shouldn’t “talk the talk unless you’ve walked the walk.” I admit I have never done circle time online so I shouldn’t even be doing this video and blog. However, when a teacher reached out to me I felt I needed to help and share what I could. I think we are all treading and learning and growing in an unknown territory right now. Although I can’t help you with the technical end, I can give you some songs and ideas for the content of your circle time. Let’s hold hands and figure this out!

I asked my friend Cheri Winton Bromley for some input on Prime Time Circle Time. She had some brilliant advice (as usual) and said, “Remember Romper Room and the magic mirror?” Some of you might be too young to remember this television show where the host would look in the mirror and say:

"Romper, bomper, stomper boo. Tell me, tell me, tell me, do. Magic Mirror, tell me today, have all my friends had fun at play?"

(I glued fake jewels to an old picture frame to make my magic mirror.)

Then she’d call out different children’s names and say, “I see George and I see Monica and I see…” I was always waiting and hoping she’d say my name, but she never did.


The Romper Room lady and Mr. Rogers were masters at engaging an audience they couldn’t actually see or hear. Yet, remember how Mr. Rogers would ask a question and then pause as if listening to the children.


Mr. Rogers also talked very slowly. Without a physical presence it might take your students a little longer to process the verbal information.


Remember the real reason you are doing this. It’s not about “teaching” them; it’s about touching their hearts and helping them connect with their classroom family.


*Nothing succeeds like success. What did your children enjoy most in the classroom? Remember their favorite songs, cheers, and stories and repeat those.



Quit while you are ahead! Don’t make circle time too long! Start slow and you can add more activities as you go along.

Follow a basic routine. Doing similar activities every day will make children feel secure. Include brain breaks so they can get up and wiggle. For example:

     Piddle Time
     Attention Grabber and Welcome (sitting)
     Good Morning Song (standing)
     Active Learning - Alphabet song or math song (standing)
     Let’s Learn! (sitting)
          Engage them with a finger play
          Share a morning message, read a book, or do a short lesson

     Sing and Dance (standing)
          “Tooty Ta” or “The Cool Bear Hunt” or other favorite song
     Cheer - Words of encouragement - Challenge for the day (sitting)

     Good –bye song


One of my first supervisors suggested we start each morning with “piddle time.” What is “piddle time”? It’s a few minutes at the beginning of the lesson where children can chat and settle down. One teacher said she left the mute button off at first because the children were so excited just to see their friends and talk.

Note! I think whether you turn the “mute” on or off will depend on the size of your group and the chatter you are comfortable with.


Use a song to capture their attention. I love this one that Elizabeth Hofmaster shared with me several years ago. It goes to the tune of “If You’re Happy and You Know It.”

If you know your teacher loves you blow her a kiss.
If you know your teacher loves you blow her a kiss.
If you know your teacher loves you and she would really likes to hug you...
If you know your teacher loves you blow her a kiss.

Here’s another attention grabber that I’ve used for years. It goes to the tune of “Skip to My Lou.”

I like you, there’s no doubt about it. (Point to self and then a friend.)
I like you, there’s no doubt about it.
I like you, there’s no doubt about it.
You are my good friend. (Point to friend and then self.)

You like me, there’s no doubt about it. (Point to a friend and then self.)
You like me, there’s no doubt about it.
You like me, there’s no doubt about it.
You are my good friend.

Welcome them with a name song.

Hello Song (Tune: “Good Night, Ladies”)
Hello, (child’s name).
Hello, (child’s name).
Hello (child’s name).
I'm so glad to see you!

Continue singing all the children’s names in your classroom.

Little Red Box
Cover a small box with red paper. Write children’s names on sentence strips and glue their picture by their name. Pull one name at a time out of the red box and sing this song to the tune of “Polly Wolly Doodle.”
I wish I had a little red box
To put my child’s name in.
I’d take him/her out and go hug, hug, hug (hug self)
And put him/her back again.
…Continue singing each child’s name.


Have children stand and sing a song like “Rise and Shine.”

Rise and shine and welcome to school today.
Rise and shine and welcome to school today.
Rise and shine and welcome to school today .
We’re so glad you’re here!

Hint!  Insert “online school,” “Zoom school,” your grade level or school’s name as you sing,



Literacy – Review sounds with an alphabet song.  Sing the traditional ABC’s with different voices. For example: monster style, mouse, with a cold, opera, etc.

Kick Box the ABC’s


Happy Birthday Letters

Karate Writing


Math – Sing calendar songs or counting songs.

Macarena Count to 100


Country Countdown


LET’S LEARN! (sitting)

Get children seated by singing this song to “Shortnin’ Bread.”

Everybody have a seat, have a seat, have a seat.
Everybody have a seat on the floor.
Not on the ceiling, not on the door.
Everybody have a seat on the floor.

Focus their attention with a finger play.

Open, shut them. (Open and close fists.) 

Open, shut them. 
Give a little clap, clap, clap. (Clap 3 times.) 
Open, shut them. (Open and close fists.) 
Open, shut them. 
Put them in your lap, lap, lap. (Put hands in your lap.) 
Open shut them...

Read a morning message from a class mascot (stuffed animal or puppet).

Read a book (Just for pleasure or to prompt a lesson.)

SING AND DANCE (standing)

Do a favorite song such as “Tooty Ta” or “The Cool Bear Hunt.”


How about a few cheers and a word of encouragement? I love this mantra:
     Teacher: Friends, what are you?
     Children: I am kind. (Touch heart.)
     I am smart. (Kiss brain.)
     I am important. (Hug self.)

Give them a special challenge for the day. It might be to teach their parents a song or finger play. They could look for shapes around the house. Or, maybe ask them to draw a picture or make a card and send it to someone they love.


Thank the children for joining you and say, “I hope you’ll come back and see me tomorrow.”

Sing this good-bye song to the tune of “She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain”
It is time to say “good-bye” to all my friends.
It is time to say “good-bye” to all my friends.
It is time to say “good-bye,”
give a smile and wink your eye.
It is time to say “good-bye” to all my friends.
Good-bye, friends. Yee haw!

Someone said that Kennesaw State University had some great tips for remote teaching and learning.

Are there other sites that you have found that have been helpful to you?

Friday, March 27, 2020


Sing and play with letters and sounds with Alphagator and Dr. Jean!


Alligator Chant
Alligator. (Extend arms and open and close like a mouth.)
Can be your friend, can be your friend,
Can be your friend, too! (Point finger.)

The alligator is my friend, (Point to self.)
And he can be your friend, too. (Point to a friend.)
If only you could understand, (Hold up palms.)
Don’t wear him as a show! (Chorus)

The alligator is my friend. (Point to self.)
He likes to dance and flirt. (Shuffle feet and fluff hair.)
If only you could understand, (Hold up palms.)
Don’t wear him as a skirt. (Chorus)

The alligator is my friend. (Point to self.)
He likes to sing and dance. (Snap fingers and dance.)
If only you could understand, (Hold palms up.)
Don’t wear him as your pants. (Chorus) (Point to pants or legs.)

Alphagator's Story
Directions: Use the link to download the alligator pattern. Cut it out of the front of a file folder. Insert 10 sheets of green paper and print the underlined letters in his stomach so they are displayed as the Alphagator eats them. Glue a copy of the story to the back of the file folder so you can read it as you remove one sheet at a time.


I love letters! How many of you boys and girls love letters? When you learn letters and their sounds you can put them together and make words, and then you can read! Well, once there was an Alphagator and he absolutely adored the letters of the alphabet! He’d eat letters and dream sweet dreams all night long.

On Monday he ate the letters A B C D E F,
But the pointy part of the “A” kept poking his tummy,
And he couldn’t sleep a wink all night long.

On Tuesday he ate the letters G H I J K,
But “H” and “I” made a word and said over and over, “Hi! Hi! Hi!”
And he couldn’t sleep a wink all night long.

On Wednesday he ate the letters L M N O P,
But “O” kept rolling back and forth in his tummy,
And he couldn’t sleep a wink all night long.

On Thursday he ate the letters Q R S T U V,
But “S” kept playing snake in his tummy and going, “Ssssssss!”
And he couldn’t sleep a wink all night long.

On Friday he ate the letters W X Y Z.
Then he closed his eyes and dreamed sweet “Zzzzzzz’s” all night long.
See you later Alphagator!

Thursday, March 26, 2020


Some things never lose their magic (fortunately) like the life cycle of caterpillars to butterflies!  Here are spring activities to share with your families.  (And, yes, everything is simple and inexpensive.)


Caterpillar’s Story
A caterpillar crawled to the top of a tree.
I think I’ll take a nap said he.
Under a leaf he began to creep,
He spun a chrysalis and went to sleep.
Spring came along, shook him and said,
“Wake up, wake up, you sleepy head.”
Out of the leaf he spread his wings to fly,
“Look at me! Look at me! I’m a butterfly!” 

Let children act out the life cycle of a butterfly. First, they lay on the floor in a ball. Next, they crawl around like caterpillars. Can they spin around and make a chrysalis? Finally, they can spread their wings and FLY! 

Life Cycle Flip Book
Make a flip book for the children to illustrate the life cycle of the butterfly.


Note!  To make a flip book fold a sheet of paper into eighths.  Open and fold in half horizontally.  Cut down half way on each fold to make your book that flips open.

Caterpillars Finger Play
Let's go to sleep (Wiggle fingers.)
The little caterpillars said.
So they curled up (Cross fingers and
In a chrysalis bed. close hands as if praying.)

They will awaken (Open fingers slowly.)
By and by,
And each one will be (Clasp thumbs and
A lovely butterfly! wiggle fingers like wings.)

Baggie Butterfly
Make a butterfly by tearing up little pieces of colored tissue paper and putting them in a zip lunch bag. Gather up in the middle and twist on a pipe cleaner to make the body and antennae. Attach a string for flying.

Smoosh Painting
Cut butterfly shapes out of newsprint. Fold in half. Children drop paint with a spoon or eye dropper on one half. Fold and rub. Open to view a beautiful butterfly.

Butterfly Bites
Children will enjoy assembling and eating this butterfly. You will need celery cut in 4” pieces, cream cheese, and pretzel twists. First, spread cream cheese in the hollow part of the celery. Insert two pretzels on either side for wings.


Wednesday, March 25, 2020


 Join me as we sing along to BINGO!

And then I've got a tell and draw story that you can learn to do.

                                     Click for B-I-N-G-O

Piggyback tunes have been used forever because once the melodies are in the brain you can easily change the words.  Here are a few new learning opportunities for this familiar tune.

Zip Code
There is a zip code where we live and we know our zip code.
3 - 2 – 1 – 5 - 5
3 - 2 – 1 – 5 - 5
3 - 2 – 1 – 5 – 5
Now we know our zip code.


There are some letters you should know and they are the vowels.
A – E – I – O – U
A – E – I – O - U
A – E – I – O - U
And now you know the vowels.

There are five senses that we use to help us learn each day.
See (Point to eyes.)
Hear (Point to ears.)
Smell (Point to nose.)
Taste (Point to mouth.)
Touch (Hold up hands.)
See, hear, smell, taste, touch,
See, hear, smell, taste, touch,
We use them every day.


Word Families
There is a word family you should know and ILL is it’s name-o.
They end in ILL you know.

Number Bonds
There are some facts that you should know and they all equal seven.
2 + 5
3 + 4
6 + 1
7 + 0

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Well, here's something fun to keep your kids busy today. Children love to build tents, hide in tents, read in tents, and take imaginary adventures in tents. You can make these inside or outdoors. All you need is a blanket, box, pillows, and let those engineering skills begin!

Card Table Tent
Drape a blanket over a card table or picnic table. Spread a sleeping bag on the ground for a cozy retreat.

Porch Railing Tent
Pin one end of a blanket to the railing of a deck or porch. Pull out the opposite end and secure at an angle with bricks or rocks. This is a "cool" place for a game or book.


Cardboard Castle
An appliance box or other large box can be a "castle" to a child. Cut out doors and a window with a utility knife. (An adult will need to do this!) Let the children decorate with paints, markers, or crayons.

Camp Songs
Did you ever go to camp?  Were you a scout?  Do you remember all those silly songs you used to sing?  I bet your kids would get a kick out of singing "Found a Peanut," "Little Bunny Foo Foo," "100 Bottles of Pop on the Wall," and all those other fun tunes with you.

Back Pack
You will need a grocery sack, a small piece of Velcro, and two strips of fabric cut 2” by 24” for this project. Cut off three sides of the sack half way down. Fold down the remaining side and secure with Velcro. To add straps, cut four 2 ½” slits on the back. Thread the strips of fabric through that and tie the ends in knots. Let children decorate with markers or crayons.  Perfect for a healthy snack or lunch!

Monday, March 23, 2020


Fine motor skills involve the small muscles in the hands. Learning to control their hands is important for eye-hand coordination and every day tasks such as dressing, eating, brushing teeth, etc. Small motor skills are also important for writing, drawing, and other activities at school and home. A tearing tub is easy to make and is something that will keep your child "busy" as they strengthen those small muscles.

Materials: plastic tub, tissue paper, wrapping paper, construction paper, scrap paper

Directions: Place various types of paper in the tub and encourage the children to tear the paper and make confetti.

Hint! Use the confetti to create collages by having children glue their scraps to a paper plate.

Children will also enjoy their own cutting tub.  Add child safety scissors to a box with junk paper, mail, or magazines.

Here's a video I did with tips on helping children develop scissor skills.


Sunday, March 22, 2020


                                      FAKE IT 'TIL YOU FEEL IT!

Sometimes we just have to put a smile on our face to help children feel happy and confident. Here are some suggestions for each one of us and the families we impact.

Thankful Board
Use a poster, refrigerator, or door to put sticky notes of things to be grateful for.
Hint! Younger children could draw pictures.

Things to Be Happy About
Staple several sheets of paper together to make a book. Invite children to draw pictures, write, or take digital photos of things that make them happy.


Happiness Acrostic
Write the letters of the alphabet vertically on a sheet of paper. Can you think of something that you enjoy for each letter.

Note! I'm actually doing this every day in a book my granddaughter made me.

If You're Happy and You Know It
You all know this song. Several years ago Elizabeth Hofmaster shared how she sings this song each day as her children leave. What a great idea to adapt to our own children or those we love!

If you know your teacher loves you blow her a kiss.
If you know your teacher loves you blow her a kiss.
If you know your teacher loves you and she really likes to hug you...
If you know your teacher loves you blow her a kiss.

Be a Little More Like the Grasshopper
I have one more thought to share today. I found this on a blog from 8 years ago when my grandson was 6. My daughter sent this email and it just seems to be appropriate right now for all of us to sing and dance and be happy!

Tonight KJ and I did his homework together. He had to read a story and answer some questions about it, trying to get to the theme or main idea, which I'm totally in favor of since my college students struggle with this skill. However, the story was the old fable about the grasshopper and the ant, retold. On the back, the worksheet tells parents that the theme of the story is "Be sure to work hard and save up for bad times." Okay. No problem. But in the story the ant works all summer: "She did not have time to sing and play." And what about the grasshopper? "He was happy to be alive and spent every day doing all of the things he wanted to do... He sang his grasshopper songs and played in the summer rain..." What a beautiful thing! Shouldn't we all try to be a bit happier to be alive? Shouldn't we sing and play more often? We work way too hard in this country, mostly to buy more stuff that we don't need anyway. As KJ and I were reading this story together, it struck me that our country is way too much like the ant--the ant on overdrive! We've worked and accumulated so much stuff that we don't have any time to play. And the poor grasshopper--the ant doesn't even share any of her food with him! How mean! Is that the kind of message I want to give KJ, that he shouldn't bother to help people who need help? That it's probably their fault anyway? So after he told me the "theme"--which he could do without blinking--we talked about how sad the story made me because I really like the grasshopper and I think we should all be happy to be alive, and I think we should help people when they need it. He said, "Yea--if the ant went to Disney World she probably wouldn't even go on any rides. She'd just be running around trying to find seeds and stuff and she'd get stepped on because there are way too many people at Disney World." And I thought that was pretty funny! So here's to being a little bit more like grasshoppers!