Tuesday, August 31, 2021


You’re going to need some pompoms to cheer for your favorite team this weekend!

Materials: lunch bags (2 for each child), scissors, markers, tape

Directions: Draw lines 1” apart halfway down from the top of the bag to the bottom flap as shown. Have the children use scissors to cut down on these strips. Turn the flap over and then roll it up tightly to make a handle. Secure the handle with tape. (For a good small motor activity let the children wrap rubber bands around the handle.) Wrinkle and fluff up the strips to make pompoms.

Note! Let children color their bags favorite team colors before cutting them.

*Use the pompoms to clap out syllables.

*Have children repeat a pattern with pompoms. (clap, shake, clap, shake…)

*Play “Simon Says” to demonstrate positional words. For example: Simon Says put the pompoms behind you. Simon says put the pompoms on your shoulders. Simon says put the pompoms under your chin…

*Use the pompoms to spell words. Clap up high for letters that start at the top dotted line. Clap in the middle for letters that start at the middle dotted line. Clap down low for letters with a tail.

*Do addition and subtraction facts with pompoms. Shake left hand and say a number. Shake right hand and say a number. Put hands in the air and shake as you say the answer.

*Play “Follow the Leader” as one child leads and the others must follow the movements.

Cheering Letters
Use the pompoms to cheer letters.  Children put their hands in the air for tall letters, hands in front from middle letters, and touch the ground for letters with a tail.


Monday, August 30, 2021


If you are a college football fan like we are, this is an exciting time of year. Football gives us a distraction from the world's woes and it gives us something to cheer for and look forward to each weekend. Football can also be a “kick off” for teaching some skills in your classroom.

College Goals  - It’s never too early to plant seeds of attending college in your students. Give them a dream and a goal! One school I visited displayed pennants of the schools where the teachers graduated from in the front hall.

*Have the children brainstorm all the colleges and universities in your area. Talk about why it is important to go to college.

*Encourage your students to think about where they would like to go to college. Give them paper shaped like pennants to decorate with their college dream.

Math - Let children do surveys of favorite college teams.
Graph favorite teams.
Predict who will win the game. Who was right? Who was wrong?
Predict what the score will be. Who was closest?
*Let children choose a favorite player and write their number on a jersey. How many math facts can they think of to equal that number?

Social Studies – Use a map of the United States and locate where games will be played.

Internet Search – Look up team mascots and colors. Listen to college fight songs. Do exercises to fight songs.

Art – Cut pictures of players out of the newspaper or sports magazines. Challenge children to write creative stories about favorite players. They could also write letters to favorite players.

Guest Readers – Invite a local high school football team and cheerleading squad to visit your school to read books. There’s nothing more motivating to a young child than to see someone in a uniform model how “cool” it is to read!

Team Mascots - This game can be adapted to any school mascot, action hero, or seasonal character. Since I graduated from the University of Georgia, UGA was my first choice. This is a quick, simple game that can be played with any age level or any skill that needs to be reinforced. It’s the perfect game if you’ve got a few minutes before lunch or a few minutes at the end of the day.


WHY? shapes, colors, letters, words, numerals, math facts, etc. WHAT? flash cards, picture of a favorite school mascot
HOW? Have children sit in a circle and encourage them to identify the information on the flash cards as you place them on the floor. Tell the children to turn around and hide their eyes. Take “UGA” and slip it under one of the flash cards. The children turn back around and raise their hand if they think they know where UGA is hiding. One at a time, have children call out a word, letter, shape, etc., and then look under that card. The game continues until a child finds UGA. That child may then be “it” and hide the mascot.

*Use a pocket chart to play this game. Arrange the flash cards in the pocket chart and then hide the mascot under one of the cards as the children hide their eyes. 

More? Make a concentration game using various college mascots.
Make a matching game where children match mascots to college names.
What characteristics do you need to dress up and be a school mascot?
Have children write which mascot they would like to be and why.

Sunday, August 29, 2021


A friend who is a pre-K teacher always asks her children these questions at the beginning of the school year:

1. How many of you have a television in your home? How many of you have your own television in your bedroom?
2. How many of you have a computer in your home?  How many of you have your own computer?
3. How many of you have your own pair of scissors?

Yep! You’re right! Most every child has a television or computer, but only a few have a pair of scissors. Many parents think scissors are dangerous, but they let their children watch violent television programs. I don’t get it? Anyway, here’s a great idea to share with parents.

Cutting and Tearing Tub
Get a plastic tub from the dollar store and fill it with junk mail, catalogs, old greeting cards, scrap paper, etc. Put a pair of children’s safety scissors in the tub and they can cut, tear, and be creative. 

More! Add a hole punch or decorative scissors to the tub.

Demonstrate and Model
We have to remember that some children have never had a pair of scissors in their hands before. It’s important to take your time, model, and give explicit directions on basic tasks.

Thumbs on Top!
Remind children when they cut to think about "Tooty Ta" and put their thumbs up. Hold a sheet of paper in one hand and take "little bites" with the scissors. 

Elbows In
Another trick an occupational therapist taught me was to give children two wadded up sheets of paper to hold under their arms. This will give them more control when they begin to cut. Another trick from an OT was to have the children lay on their tummies and cut.

Cutting Song (Tune: "The Caissons Song")
Cut it out! Cut it out!
With your scissors cut it out.
Snip, snap, and cut it out.

Thumbs on top,
Take small bites.
Hold your page in the other hand tight.

Cut it out! Cut it out!
With your scissors cut it out.
Snip, snap, and cut it out.

Here's Kalina and I singing "Scissor Snip." 

Here's a video I made that you can share with your parents to provide them with tips on helping their child with scissor skills.

Friday, August 27, 2021


It’s pretty amazing what children can do with devices, but many of them lack the ability to tie their shoes. Here are some ideas that you can share with your families to remind them that in 2021 children still need to be able to tie their own shoes!

Shoe Sheriff
When children learn to tie their shoes let them sign their names on the "Shoe Sheriff Club."  If a child needs help tying her shoes remind her to find someone who is a member of the "Shoe Sheriff Club" to help.

Start BIG
When my kids were little I got a big stuffed animal and used an apron to teach them how to tie. The apron strings were much bigger and easier to manipulate than shoestrings.

Here are two poems that might help children with this task:

1-2-3-4 – TYING SHOES
Let’s get ready to tie your shoes.
Over and under. Now, what to do? (Pull strings tight.)
1. Make a loop that looks like a tree. (Make a loop with right string.)
2. The other string is a rabbit you see. (Hold up left string.)
3. The rabbit goes around and in a hole. (Take left string around loop and stick in the hole.)
4. Pull the loops tight and there is your bow! (Take both loops and pull.)

Hint! Take a marker and color one half of the shoe string. It will be easier for children to tell which loop is the "rabbit' and which is the "hole" if they are different colors.

Take the 2 strings (Make loops with each string.)
And make two bunny ears.
Over and under
And a knot will appear. (Tie loops in a knot.)
Pull the ears tight
And what do you know? (Pull loops.)
You’ve tied your shoes
And there is your bow!

Shoes on Table Legs
This is an idea that Ashley Swedell shared with me years ago. She put shoes on table legs and if the children finished their work early they could practice tying. It might be a fun way to encourage children to practice at home as well.


Note!  Janet Cantrell has children practice tying using their own leg!

Passport of Accomplishment
Make an award similar to the one below to distribute to children when they learn to tie their shoes.

Thursday, August 26, 2021


Training eyes to move from left to right and then reverse sweep is a key to beginning reading and writing. A simple, yet powerful way, that teachers can do this is through modeling. Make it a habit to sweep your hand from left to right under words or lines of print on charts, big books, white boards, and so forth.

Right & Left Song
(Tune: “Up on the Housetop”)
Here is my right hand way up high.
(Hold up right hand.)
Here is my left hand touch the sky.
(Hold up left hand.)
Right and left and roll out of sight.
(Roll hands around.)
Now I know my left and right.
(Hold up left and then right.)

Hint! Focus on the right hand because then what is “left” over will be their left.

Put a sticker on each child’s right hand and then play “Simon Says” or the “Hokey Pokey.”

Let children make bracelets out of pipe cleaners and wear them on their right hand. Throughout the day call attention to their right hand…right ear…right leg…right foot, etc.

Rub lotion or scented lip balm on each child’s right hand.

Trace around your right hand on construction paper and cut it out. Place it near the flag so children can visually match up their right hand and then place it over their hearts.



Hold up your hands and stick out thumbs and index fingers as you say:
Which is my left? Which is my right?
Sometimes it’s hard to tell.
But when I stick my thumbs out straight,
My left will make an “L.”


Left From Right(Anthony Corbo aka “Mr. Kindergarten” taught me this song.)
(Tune: “Mary Had a Little Lamb”)
I want to learn my left from right,
Left from right, left from right.
I want to learn my left from right,
I try with all my might.
The left hand makes the letter L,
Letter L, letter L.
The left hand makes the letter L,
Hurray, now I can tell!

Tracking Left to Right

Draw tracks on sentence strips similar to the ones shown. Children can drive cars or move animals from left to right.

Hint! Make a green dot where they are to begin and a red dot where they should end.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021


Children can have fun as they practice pre-writing strokes and train their eyes to go from the top to the bottom and left to right.

Top to Bottom Song (Dawna Hunter)
(Tune: “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes”)
Top to bottom,
Left to right.
Top to bottom,
Left to right.
My mind knows that writing always goes
Top to bottom,
Left to right.

Pencil Stories
Pencil stories using story symbols can help children develop top to bottom and left-to-right orientation. They’re also an engaging way to develop small motor skills. These stories should be told multiple times so children can practice the pre-writing strokes and feel more competent. You might want to do the same story every day for a week as you invite the children to recall what will come next.

Here's an easy version I would try with the little ones to encourage them to go from left to right and make a few strokes.

          Let's go for a walk. (horizontal)

          The sun is shining down. (vertical)

          The wind is blowing. (slant)

          Here come some raindrops. (circle)

          I hear thunder. (X)

          Time to run home! (horizontal)

Hint! Put a green line down the left side to show them where to start and a red line down the right side to indicate where they should stop.

Write Round the Mulberry Bush

Here's another great pre-writing activity for the beginning of the school year called “Writing Round the Mulberry Bush.” I clearly remember where I got this idea. About 20 years ago I was doing a workshop in Huntsville, Texas. A young teacher said, “My mentor needs to tell you how she teaches handwriting. Her kids have the best handwriting in the school.” Well, she grabbed my attention and when I asked the older teacher her secret she smiled and said they practiced “Writing Round the Mulberry Bush” several weeks before introducing letters.

Basically, you have children make the strokes as shown on a blank piece of paper as they sing the different verses to the song “Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush.” It makes sense because children need to go from top to bottom and left to right as they learn to master simple strokes.


Here's a link if you're interested.  

Click to Download 

Note!  According to most experts, these are the developmental stages for writing.

1st vertical line
2nd horizontal line
3rd circle
4th cross
5th square
6th diagonal
7th X
8th triangle

Sand Tray

Let children use a sand or rice tray to practice making basic strokes.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021


It's important to encourage children to use the correct pencil grip when they begin to write. Here are tips for teachers and parents in class, online, anytime!!!

Silly Band

Give children a silly band (or rubber band) to go around their wrist. Pick up your pencil and then slip the end of the silly band around the pencil. Explain when you go in the car you wear your seat belt, and when you write you need to put a seat belt around your pencil. Then you’ll have mom and dad in the front seat and the kids in the back seat!


Place a pompom or cotton ball in a child's hand. Demonstrate how to put pinky and ring man to “sleep” on the pompom before picking up the pencil.

Writing Bracelet

String a bead or jingle bell to a piece of yarn or string to make a bracelet. Make it loose enough so it can slide easily on and off a child’s wrist. While writing the child wears the bracelet and holds the bead in her hand.


Bird’s Beak
Point the pencil away from you. Make a bird’s beak by opening and closing your index finger and thumb. Use your beak to pick up the point of the pencil and then flip it back.

Pencil Grip(Melissa Connelly)
Teach children to hold their crayon or pencil correctly with this trick.

Draw a smiley face on their hand as shown. When they use their pincer fingers their hand will always be smiling at them.

Pencil Grip Song (Tune: “Where Is Thumbkin?”)
Where is Pointer?
On the top.
Ready to write.
Start at the top.
Where is Thumbkin?
On the side.
Ready to help
Your pencil glide.
Where is Tallman?
On the bottom.
Keeps the letters
Where you want ‘em

Want a free download of this song. Here you go!

Monday, August 23, 2021


Thanks to Carolyn Kisloski for these fantastic center signs.


Learning centers are the most natural way to organize a classroom and encourage children to become active learners. Centers encourage children to make choices, explore at their own level, engage in hands-on discovery, solve problems, work with friends, use language, and be creative. Centers are also an effective way to use classroom materials, time, and space. Above all, learning centers capitalize on PLAY, which is the most meaningful and FUN way for children to learn.

Why use learning centers?

*Hands-on activities in centers provide many pathways to the brain and are engaging for young learners.

*Children can work at their own pace and level.

*Executive function skills of task initiation and task completion are nurtured with centers.

*21st Century Skills are enhanced as children cooperate with others, communicate, problem-solve, and think critically.

*Centers give children the opportunity to develop organizational skills and responsibility.

*Centers can provide children with purposeful practice for automaticity.

*Children take it in and take it in and take it in…and then something comes out! With centers we are laying a foundation by giving children a variety of rich experiences.


Just because children are playing, doesn’t mean they are not learning!!! Here are some center signs for you to post in your classroom to help parents, administrators, and other visitors recognize all the skills that children are developing.

Playing Makes You Smarter

How Did I Manage Centers?
Since I’ve been at this rodeo for over 50 years I have seen many ways to manage centers. There is no “right” or “wrong” way, but you do have to adapt to your district’s requirements, the age of your students, and your standards. In my kindergarten the students received a 
“contract” with ten centers they “got” to visit during the week. We did center rotation for 45 minutes at the end of the day when they were too exhausted to sit and listen. They got to choose where they went and how long they stayed in each center, but the goal was to do all ten activities by the end of the week. If they finished they got “Fabulous Friday”! What was Fabulous Friday?? They got to take their shoes off and do whatever they wanted. They LOVED it!!!


After visiting a center they colored it in and then raised their hand. My assistant walked around with a hole punch and would punch the activity after they explained what they did or learned. (During this time I could pull one or two students to give them extra help.)
Yes, I did limit the centers to 2 or 4 at a time. On Monday we’d go around the circle and they chose where they’d like to start. If a center already had four people they had to make another choice. When someone left a popular center then they could go there. This really worked itself out. If they wanted to stay in blocks all day Monday they could, but then they’d have to work a little faster the rest of the week to complete their centers by Friday. It was amazing how they became self-directed learners by the end of the year!

Sunday, August 22, 2021




Fred Rogers

Fred Rogers is my hero!  What a legacy of kindness, love, and gentleness he left us!  It is so true that children learn through play, but many parents and administrators "don't get it."  Here's a poem to send home or to share at your first parent meeting about how children learn through play.


What’s in your backpack?  
It’s empty today.  
Where’s your work?  
Did you just play?  

When I built with blocks  
I learned about shapes.  
I balanced and shared –  
Our skyscraper was great.  

I played in the windy house  
And talked with my friends.  
I rocked a baby  
And played pretend  

In science I observed,  
Guessed, and experimented, too.  
The same things grown up  
Scientists do.  

Art was messy.  
I created and explored.  
I solved my own problem  
When I spilled glue on the floor.  

My fingers got a work out 
With puzzles and clay. 
Those same muscles 
Will help me write one day. 

I counted and sorted and 
And measured, too. 
I used my brain 
Like a math whiz would do! 

Out on the playground 
I ran like the wind. 
I learned to take turns 
And helped a hurt friend. 

Story time is what 
I always like best. 
I can use my imagination 
And give my body a rest. 

I sang and danced, 
Learned a finger play, too. 
I answered questions 
And said “please” and “thank you.” 

There will be time 
For worksheets and tests, 
But talking and playing 
Is how I learn best. 

I love to go to school! 
I’m glad I’m me. 
An empty backpack 
Means I’m learning, you see!

Backpack Book
Here's a little book you can make to send home the poem.

Punch holes in the top of a lunch bag (which is actually the bottom of the bag). You will need to do this for the children. Put a pipe cleaner through the holes and twist to make a handle. 
Lift up the flap and tuck the bottom of the bag under it. Glue the poem to the inside of the book.

*Come back tomorrow for some fantastic center signs that Carolyn Kisloski made for you.  Hang them in appropriate areas in your classroom and "invite" visitors to walk around, read the signs, and observe how the children really are learning as they play.

Saturday, August 21, 2021


I'm always thrilled when I can offer you translations.  I can't do it, but I get by with a little help from my friends like Claudia Hernandez.  GRACIAS, CLAUDIA!


Tootsie Roll
Tootsie roll, (Roll hands around each other.)
Lollipop. (Pretend to lick a lollipop.)
We’ve been talking, (Open and shut fingers.)
Now let’s stop! (Make sign language sign for “stop.”)

Tootsie Roll
Tootsie roll, (Roll hands around each other.)
Chupete. (Pretend to lick a lollipop.)
Hemos estado hablando (Open and shut fingers.)
¡Ahora detengámonos! (Make sign language sign for “stop.”)

Hocus Pocus
Teacher says:
“Hocus Pocus!” (Stick out index finger and circle around like a magic wand.)
Children respond:
“Everybody focus!” (Children make circles with fingers and thumbs and place
around eyes like spectacles.)

Hocus Pocus

Teacher says:
“Hocus Pocus!” (Stick out index finger and circle around like a magic wand.)
Children respond:
“Todos concentrados!” (Children make circles with fingers and thumbs and place
around eyes like spectacles.)

Teacher says: Is everybody happy?
Children repeat: Yes, ma’m. H –a- p – p – y. Happy! (Clap on letters.)

Teacher says: ¿Están todos felices?
Children repeat: Si, maestra. F-e- l- I -c- e -s. Felices! (Clap on letters.)

Give Me a Clap (Tune: “Addams Family”)
Give me a clap. (Clap twice.)
Give me a clap. (Clap twice.)
Give me a clap, give me a clap,
Give me a clap. (Clap twice.)
Give me a snap. (Snap twice.)
Give me a snap. (Snap twice.)
Now fold your hands and put them down
Into your lap. (Model putting your hands in your lap.)

Give Me a Clap (Tune: “Addams Family”)
Aplaudamos (Clap twice.)
aplaudamos (Clap twice.)
aplaudamos, aplaudamos,
aplaudamos. (Clap twice.)
Tronemos los dedos. (Snap twice)
Tronemos los dedos. (Snap twice)
Dobla tus manos y ahora bájalas
En tu regazo. (Model putting your hands in your lap).

Sit Down Chant
Clap your hands. (Clap 3 times slowly.)
Stomp your feet. (Stomp slowly 3 times.)
Put your bottom
in your seat!

Sit Down Chant

Aplaude. (Clap 3 times slowly.)
Marchando. (Stomp slowly 3 times.)
en tu lugar!

How Does My Teacher Feel About Me?
Teacher says: “How does my teacher feel about me?”
Children respond: “I’m as special as special can be because my teacher believes in me!”

How Does My Teacher Feel About Me?
Teacher says: “¿Qué piensa mi maestra de mí?”
Children respond: ¡Soy más especial de lo que especial puede ser,
porque mi maestro cree en mí!"

Hands on Top
Teacher says: Hands on top. (Place hands on head.)
Students respond: Everybody stop. (Place hands on head and freeze.)

Hands on Top
Teacher says: Manos arriba (Place hands on head.)
Students respond: Todos paramos. (Place hands on head and freeze.)

Criss Cross
Criss cross, (Sit on floor and cross legs.)
Be your own boss. (Fold your arms and nod head.)

Criss Cross
Cruza tus piernas. (Sit on floor and cross legs.)
Tu estás a cargo! (Fold your arms and nod head.)

Sitting Chant
1, 2, 3, 4 - glue your bottoms to the floor.
5, 6, 7, 8 - hands to yourself and sit up straight.

Sitting Chant

1, 2, 3, 4 - siéntate en el piso.
5, 6, 7, 8 - manos en tus piernas y sentado derechito.

I Think I Can
This is a great song to sing to encourage children to always give it a try. It goes to the tune of “If You’re Happy and You Know It.”
I think I can are words I like to say.
I think I can are words I like to say.
In time I’ll get it right if I try with all my might.
I think I can are words I like to say.

“Creo que puedo” son palabras que me gusta decir.
“Creo que puedo” son palabras que me gusta decir.
Con el tiempo lo haré bien, si lo intento y me esfuerzo.
“Creo que puedo” son palabras que me gusta decir.


Friday, August 20, 2021


These are some fun props that you might want to create for your "bag of tricks" before the school year begins.

Flashlight Spotlight
Take a flashlight and shine it on a child who is modeling the behavior you are looking for. “Spotlight on (child’s name). He’s got his math book and he’s ready to learn.”

Happy Chappy
You will need some lip balm with a fragrance. Gently rub children’s right hand with a “happy chappy” when they are following directions.


You Knock My Socks Off!
You will need an old pair of socks, a stick, and a piece of string 18” long for this project. Tie a sock to each end of the string. Tie the middle of the string to the stick. When children do something outstanding, take the stick and wave it in the air as you say, “You knock my socks off!”


Mr. Good for You!
A cloth glove, markers, fiberfill, and pipe cleaner are all you need to make a “good for you hand.” First, draw a happy face on one side of the glove with the markers. Fill the glove tightly with fiberfill or another stuffing. Gather the bottom of the glove and secure with a pipe cleaner. Children get “Mr. Good for You” and pat themselves on the back when they accomplish a new task.

Magic Lotion
Take an empty pump dispenser of hand lotion and remove the label. Make a new label for the lotion that says, “Mr./Mrs. (your name)’s Magic Lotion” and tape it to the bottle. When children are upset, frustrated, get a boo boo, or have hurt feelings, give them a “squirt” of magic lotion.


Brain Toys 
Fill a shoebox or basket with knotted socks or stress balls. Suggest children get a brain toy when they can’t keep their hands to themselves.

Peace Flower 
When two children have a disagreement let them hold the flower with both hands as they look at each other. When they have resolved their conflict they can hug and to back and play.

Thursday, August 19, 2021


Kids and lines don't go together very well, but it's a necessary part of classroom life. Instead of "keep your hands to yourself," try one of these positive approaches.
I’m Ready (Say or sing to the tune from "Gilligan's Island")
I’m looking straight ahead of me.
My arms are at my side.
My feet are quiet as can be,
I’m ready for outside.
Hint! Write the chant on a poster and tape it to the door. 

Line Up Song  (Tune: “Hi Ho, Hi Ho”) 
Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to (lunch, play, home, etc.) we go. 
With our heads held high and arms by our sides 
And our belly buttons all in a row. 

Lining Up Is Easy to Do ("Cadence" - Children repeat each line.)
Lining up is easy to do (Slap thighs to the beat)
When you take care of only you.
Feet together hands by sides,
We've got spirit, we've got pride.
Sound off - 1, 2
Hit it again - 3, 4
Out the door - 1, 2, 3, 4,
1, 2 - 3, 4

Hips and Lips
Teacher says "Hips" - children put one hand on their hips.
Teacher says "Lips" - children put index finger from the other hand on their lips.

Hallway Trip 
“Zip” – pretend to zip your lips. 
“Flip” – fold arms across your chest. 
“We’re ready for the hallway trip.” 

Let’s Pretend!
Marshmallows - Have the children put “marshmallows” in their mouths (Puff out cheeks.)
and put “marshmallows” on their feet. (Model walking slowly and gently.)

Museum Hands – Children clasp their hands behind their backs. 

Butterfly Wings or Angel Wings - Children put their hands behind their backs and stick out their elbows and flap them like wings.
Fix It Up
When students forget school rules and appropriate behavior, simply say:
STOP! (Put your hand in the air.)
BACK IT UP! (Have them return to their seats.)
FIX IT UP! (Choose a child to describe the appropriate behavior.)

Hush, Little Children ("Hush, Little Baby")
Hush little children don’t say a word. 
We’re leaving the room and shouldn’t be heard. 
Hands at your side and do not talk. 
Tip toe in the halls when we start to walk. 

Line Up Chant (Kelley DiBella) 
1, 2 Listen and do. 
3, 4 Face the door. 
5, 6 Fingers on lips. 
7, 8 Stand up straight. 
9, 10 Let quiet walking begin. 

Wall Push Ups 
While children are waiting and standing in line in the hall encourage them to do push ups against the wall. 

Self Control  (Becky Gilsdorf)
Use this visual cue to help children who are out of control.
Cross hands over your chest.  (Self)
Slide both hands down the sides of your body.  (Control)
As the child repeats the movements silently it will calm them down.

Air Hug  (Mary Katherine Ellis)
Open your arms as if giving a huge hug in the air.
*This is good for when students see a friend in the hall.
*This is also good when someone comes in or leaves the classroom and the kids want to jump up and give them a hug.

Count Down 
Take 3” X 5” cards and write different numbers from 1-20 (or however many students you have) on each card. Shuffle the cards and hand one to each student. Have students line up in numerical order at the door.