Saturday, July 23, 2011

ABC - Sing with Me!

ABC Tunes

Did you know that the traditional tune we use to sing the A B C’s is also the tune for “Baa Baa Black Sheep” and “Twinkle Little Star”?  Here are several other tunes that you can use to sing the ABC’s.  Give it a try!

“Amazing Grace”
“Braham’s Lullabye”
Theme from Gilligan’s Island
“100 Bottles of Beer on the Wall”
“Mary Had a Little Lamb”

Clap on the consonants and hop on the vowels as you sing.  You can also march, tiptoe, disco (finger up in the air and then cross the midline and point down), patty with a friend or do other movements.

Give children a copy of the alphabet and have them point to the letters as you sing.  You can use a pretzel stick, Bugle, or craft stick with a wiggly eye as a pointer.  But, my favorite pointer is a fake fingernail glued to a craft stick.  "Keep your finger on the letter!"

Debbie sent a link for some song posters she made to go with a few tunes I posted lately.  They're really cute!  Thanks for sharing, Debbie!

After a whirlwind trip to Houston, Mobile, and Dallas this week:
I'm home again, home again, jiggity jog!  
Now I'll get busy and do some more blogs!