Saturday, July 9, 2011

Mr. and Mrs. Trash Can

I'm home from SPLASH (Super Conference in San Antonio) and I'm on my way to Las Vegas for the National I Teach K Conference.  I'm sorry I've neglected you for a few days, but I'm going to gather lots of great ideas and make it up to you!

Mr. and Mrs. Trash Can

Here’s an idea for something you can make today and then use all school year.  Dollar Tree sells small trash cans with a swing top.  You can decorate one side to look like an old man and the other side to look like an old lady.  Children can feed them magnetic letters, word cards, etc.  They are perfect for “The Old Lady Who Swallowed Numbers” or “The Old Man Who Swallowed Letters.”  (See for lyrics.)  Children could also find the letters in their names, spell high frequency words, or make the letter sounds as they insert them in the can.

Mr. Munch

Here’s another idea for the swinging trash can from Gaye Lynn Sarff.
Sing this song to the tune of “Tiny Tim” as you pretend to feed Mr. Munch magnetic letters:

I have a hungry friend.
His name is Mr. Munch
And what he likes to do all day is gobble up his lunch.
He likes the letter ___  (for example H)
And things that start with ___(make /h/ sound)
And he is very happy when he goes munch, munch, munch, crunch.

Encourage children to call out words that begin with that sound for Mr. Munch to crunch.