Sunday, August 28, 2011


You won’t find this in any curriculum guide or state standards, but I believe one of our most important jobs as early childhood educators is to give children hopes and dreams.  Someone has to believe in them! 

My friend’s granddaughter has been going through a difficult time.  Children reflect what goes on in the home, and her parents are going through a nasty divorce.  Anyway, when my friend picked the little girl up from school the child looked so sad.  My friend said, “One day when you are sixteen we are going to go to Paris and buy us some pretty shoes and pretty dresses!”  She said the little girl smiled and her eyes danced.  I don’t know why that touched me so, but it did.  A little word of encouragement can change the world of a child!

It's Sunday and we are grateful that Irene passed by Charleston.  Our grandson K.J. was lucky to get on a plane Friday before the storm hit and we are LOVING having him spend the week before school starts with us.  And his mother is happy not to be cooped up in the house with him as they weather the storm in DC!

You know, I try not to be too political in my blogs, but since it's Sunday I want to share this idea.  You could only use this parting if you were in a Christian school, but it's so sweet!

Parting Words before Children Walk out the Door

Teacher:  May the Lord watch between me and thee.

Children:  While we are absent one from another.

Blessings of JOY to all of you and prayers for those in Irene's path!