Friday, September 2, 2011


Where did the summer go?  Wasn’t it June the other day?  September is here and you can check out some new activities called “Oldies but Goodies” on my website (  

This project started when I asked my grandson if he had ever played “The Farmer in the Dell.”  He didn’t know what I was talking about!  “The Farmer in the Dell,” “London Bridge,” “I’m a Little Teapot” and so many other songs and games are part of what I refer to as our “early childhood heritage.”  If children don’t experience these things in pre-K or kindergarten, then they’ll probably never get to do them!  And that’s sooooo sad!

“Fusion” is power word these days, so I’m going to suggest ways that you can “fuse” these traditional activities with your curriculum goals.  You can engage children and capture their attention and then use these songs as a springboard for reinforcing reading, writing, and math skills.  Have fun and learn at the same time…that’s what it’s all about!

There are stories, songs, circle games, book ideas, center games, and ideas to keep you singing and dancing all month long!  Happy September!

Here's a great suggestions from Spotlight on Kindergarden:

Very few of my students come to Kindergarten knowing simple nursery rhymes and traditional K-type songs and games. I try to incorporate as many of these into my daily routine as possible. One way to do this is to sing a song, such as She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain, as they clean up after each of their work station. When the song is finished I expect each station cleaned up and each kiddo in their seat. I try to stick to the same two to three songs for a couple of weeks - until I hear them joining in - and then I add in another. By the end of the year they know a lot of songs! (sometimes I use nursery rhymes too)
Spotlight on Kindergarten