Thursday, September 8, 2011


It’s time for the fair in many parts of the country right now, so how about a silly song called “Granny at the Fair”?  This is an echo chant where children repeat each line as they add the motion for each verse.  You can sing it to the tune of “How Dry I Am.”  I guarantee you’ll all be laughing at each other and yourselves by the time you finish the song!

My granny went
To the county fair.
And bought for me
A rocking chair.  (Begin rock back and forth.)

My granny went
To the county fair.
And bought for me
A fan there.   (Fan self with left hand as you rock back and forth.)

My granny went
To the county fair
And bought for me
Some scissors there.  (Pretend to cut with right hand as you
                  continue to fan and rock.)

My granny went
To the county fair
And bought for me
Itchy underwear.  (Wiggle as you cut, fan, and rock.)

My granny went
To the county fair
And bought for me
Some gum there.  (Pretend to chew bubble gum as you wiggle,
                  cut, fan, and rock.)

My granny went
To the county fair
And bought for me
Some nuts there!   (Point to each other!)