Sunday, November 20, 2011


One exciting project that my husband and I have been involved in is providing books for Habitat Homes.  If you’ve never been involved in a Habitat building project, you’ve missed a great opportunity.  It’s a FEEL GOOD for sure!
I got the idea for putting books in new Habitat homes from the International Reading Association, and I thought it was such a fantastic idea that I suggested it to our local Sea Island Habitat.  They have involved a local high school to build the bookshelves, and then we get the privilege of delivering books to the new homeowners.  To most of you, the idea of not having books in your home seems as foreign as not having indoor plumbing.  But, it’s a thrill to see the faces of the children when they open the books and make friends!

Indigo Books, a local book store, has created a great book list and gives us a nice discount.  I'd be glad to share the list with anyone who is interested.  

I also heard about a great project from another teacher this week.  She taught at a Title 1 school, so her students didn't have much to begin with.  However, they did a Christmas project for another low income school in their area.  The children all brought in old books and toys and then had a "Santa's Workshop" to clean them up, wrap them, and make cards.  The teacher said it was so heartwarming to see the enthusiasm of her children sharing what little they had.