Thursday, November 17, 2011


There’s a little light shining in the academic world, and that’s the National Kindergarten Alliance (  They are dedicated to preserving childhood and supporting teachers who care about the social, emotional, physical, as well as intellectual needs of all their students. Liz Blek provides a fantastic newsletter quarterly for members with practical and meaningful ideas.  For those of you who need materials for your classroom or want to attend a conference, take a look at this list that Liz compiled.  This might be like opening a treasure chest for you!

Kettering Foundation
The Kettering Foundation studies the relationship between the public and the education system, exploring practices that can help regain a sense of growth in public schools.
W.M. Keck Foundation
Support for organizations providing civic and community services, health care, early childhood, and pre college education
Dreyer's Large Grant Foundation
Grants will be given to K-12 public education schools and programs that help students succeed in core academic subjects and graduate to post secondary education and/or vocational training.

Teacher's Pet
This grant is geared specifically toward teachers' smaller projects

Deluxe Corporation Foundation
Deluxe Corporation supports after-school academic enrichment programs across the United States.

HELP!  If any of you have other resources, please email them and I will add them to this post.

Okeedookee!  Now that I've suggested how you might get some funds, let me tell you about the Early Childhood Summit at the College of Charleston this summer.  It's going to be AWESOME, and best of all you'll get to visit the NUMBER ONE TOURIST  CITY in the United States!  I'll be presenting along with Sharon MacDonald, Clarissa Willis, Lynda Weaver, and some outstanding faculty members at the College.  There's even a special session presented on outdoor learning.  They should have the website up with details in the next few days.  I'll keep you posted!