Wednesday, December 7, 2011


This is a nostalgic time of year when we remember special vignettes from our childhoods.  My grandson loves to hear stories about when we were little, and when I visit schools the children all “listen up” when I share stories of my past. 

A great homework activity might be to have the children “interview” their parents and grandparents about their Christmas/Hanukkah memories.  What was their favorite toy?  Do they remember any songs they sang?  What was their favorite treat to eat?  Wouldn’t it be fun to get their parents to draw pictures and write stories that you could turn into a class book?

When I was little I was allowed to ask for ONE thing for Christmas.  And I only got ONE thing.  And I was happy!  We would tack one of my dad’s socks near the door and in the morning it would hold an orange, some nuts, and a candy cane.  It makes me a little sad when I think about how we overwhelm children with “stuff.”

What do you remember?  Share a little of your past with your class today.