Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Somebody emailed me this week to see if I had any suggestions for songs her class should sing for their program at the end of the school year.  My advice was, “What songs do your children like best?” 

I remembered this idea that I wrote about last summer, but I thought it might be “timely” to share it again.  You can adapt "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" to the "Very Eager Kindergartener/Preschooler/etc."   Think about a song you have taught your class each month this year and write it on a poster.  Continue adding one new song each month and you’ll be all set to “perform” at the end of the year.

When school started some very eager kindergarten children wiggled in the classroom.  Each month was exciting as they learned new things…
In September they learned colors..."The Color Farm."
In October they learned their ABC's..."Alphardy"
In November they learned the days of the week..."Days of the Week"
In December they sang a holiday song..."Jingle Bells"
In January they learned the months in the new year..."Macarena Months"
In February they celebrated 100 Days..."Zero the Hero"
In March they went on a bear hunt..."The Cool Bear Hunt"
In April they learned to pick up trash..."The Litter Patrol"
In May they voted to teach YOU how to do the "Tooty Ta."   (Ask the audience to stand and join you.)
In June it was time to say good-bye and fly off to first grade..."May There Always Be Sunshine."