Monday, January 9, 2012


Oh, happy day!  Oh, happy day!  Oh, happy day…. I can’t quit singing!  This blog has nothing to do with education…well, maybe a little...but I just had to share our good news with my blog buddies.

We LOVE dogs!  Our son has three rescue dogs who are like his children.  On New Year’s Eve he took them to a school playground to run around.  It was fenced, but his 11 year old Blossom found a hole in the fence and disappeared before he could put the other two in the car to go and look for her in the woods behind the school.  After looking for half an hour he called friends to join the search.  They went from house to house, quickly made flyers and put them up, etc.  Where could she have gone?  Did coyotes get her?  Was someone abusing her?  Last Monday my husband and I drove four hours to his house, looked in fields and woods for signs of her little red Christmas sweater that she was wearing, and then drove back home.  Our son ran off more posters, extended his search in newspapers within 100 miles, went to shelters…no Blossom!  He kept up his search for over a week and spent every extra minute looking for her.  We didn’t want to discourage him, but we didn’t think there was any way that she could be alive.  No way! 

Well, guess what?  Last night around 6 a lady called and said Blossom was barking on her porch when she got home.  The lady said, “I wanted to be the one to find your dog because I knew anybody who would do what you did really loved his dog!”  Blossom’s back home now…a little thinner…but she seems healthy and well.  I wish she could talk so we could find out what happened, but I think it’s a miracle!

Oh, happy day!  People were so GOOD to our son as he searched.  One lady even had her church praying for the dog’s return.  We hear only bad news on TV and in the papers.  You never hear the good news.  So here is GOOD news and a reminder to never, ever, ever give up!   Some of those little children in your classroom might surprise you one day!