Saturday, January 28, 2012


This idea was included in my January website on “Vocabulary Vitamins,” but in case you missed it, I think it would be a delightful way to perk up a dreary winter day.

Let children brainstorm words that describe friends.  Write
special words on index cards and place them in a sack. You will
need enough cards for the number of students in your class. 
Let one child at a time choose a word.  Use the word as you
sing this song to the tune of “We Wish You a Merry
                  We like you because you’re special word.
                  We like you because you’re special word.
                  We like you because you’re special word.
                  We really like you! 
Pin the word to the child and call them by that word all day.
If a child isn’t behaving appropriately ask, “Do I need to take
your word away from you?”  They’ll be doing the right thing in
no time