Tuesday, February 14, 2012


“You’re amazing…just the way you are!”  I love that song.  It should be our theme song in the classroom.  Mr. Rogers (LOVED the man!) was so powerful and positive by reminding every child every day how unique and special they were! 

In our consumer, “My dog’s better than your dog,” “I have the most toys,” “I got the highest test score,” “I scored the most points” world, sometimes we need to take a deep breath and relax.  We are who we are and that’s good enough!  

Your students are amazing…just the way they are!  And YOU are an amazing teacher…just the way you are!  You don’t need to have the most attractive bulletin board, the best website, or the highest reading level.  You are amazing and what you do every day to make a child’s life better is a talent and a gift!

So on this Valentine’s Day I send you love and hope all the love you share every day circles around and comes back to you!

Never forget that Dr. Jean said you were amazing…just the way you are!  And don’t forget to tell your children that I said they were lucky to be in your room.  And they are amazing, too!

P. S. I was loading up my car after doing a workshop in Florida on Saturday and a teacher called out, "Dr. Jean, I'm so glad that God made you!"  That was one of the most beautiful things anyone had ever said to me!  I'm going to tell everyone in my family today that I'm so glad God made them!  And I'm glad He made each of you as well!