Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Let children be the “party planners” for this event.  They can make the invitations, choose the songs, prepare the food, and make the party favors.

Hats for Moms – These are adorable hats from paper plates that children can make for their mothers.  Cut the inner section out of the plate.  Decorate the outer rim with markers.  Cut 4” squares out of tissue paper and wad up and glue on the rim to look like flowers.  Punch a hole in each side and tie on a 16” piece of string or ribbon.  Place the hat on your head and tie under the chin.
Picture Frame – Cut picture frames out of heavy cardboard.  Let children glue on colorful buttons.  Tape a picture of the child on the back and add magnetic tape so it can be hung on the refrigerator.  Make a card that says, “I’m cute as a button!”
My Mom Can – Let each child make a predictable book about all the things their mom can do.