Saturday, July 14, 2012


This is a book that will help children feel comfortable as they learn the daily routine in your classroom.  Even if children can’t read the words, the pictures will provide them with clues about what to do.  Read the book each morning to prepare children and to capture their interest in activities you have planned.  Have children refer to the book to “see what we should do next.”  You could also send the book home with one child each evening to share with their families.

First, take pictures of the children engaged in your daily activities and routines.  Glue pictures to construction paper and write captions similar to the ones suggested.  (Adapt to the age level of your students and your curriculum.)   Put the pages together and bind with a spiral binder or book rings.
Welcome to Marshall School
1.  Put away your backpack and get ready for a great day!
2.  We start our day with circle time and a song!
     We talk, do the calendar, and learn together.
3.  Next, we do literacy centers.  We read, write, listen, and play! 
4.  Time to go outside for P.E.  We need to exercise our bodies as well as our brains. 
5.  Next comes math!  We count, add, subtract, measure, graph, and think! 
6.  Time for lunch.  I’m hungry!  How about you? 
7.  Story time is always special.  Books are friends that we love to visit again and again.
8.  Then it’s time for learning centers.  Do you want to play in the blocks, housekeeping, art, science, math, computers, table toys, library, or sand table? 
9.  Let’s recall and review our day.  Don’t forget your backpacks! 
10.  Good-bye, friends!  See you tomorrow!

Schedule Cards Take photos of the different events in your school day and glue them to index cards.  Attach a piece of magnetic tape to the back.  Each day arrange the cards on the magnetic board so students can “see” the routine.  
*One teacher said she put magnetic tape on the front of the card as well.  As they completed activities they would flip the pictures over.  This helped children with their sense of time and was a visual way to understand when they would go home.