Sunday, September 23, 2012


Everyone knows THE GIVING TREE by Shel Silverstein.  I used to read it to my class and I would get weepy, while they would say, “Why did he have to get old?”  They just didn’t get the aging thing, but it was a perfect time to talk about all the gifts that trees give us.

Today I have a tree for you that you can use in a multitude of ways in your classroom.  All it takes is a lunch bag and a little creativity.  Tear (or cut) four strips from the top of the bag to the flap.  Open.  Squeeze the middle of the bag and twist.  There’s your tree and here are some possibilities…
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Tree – Let children write letters or use letter stickers to make an alphabet tree.

Orchard – What are some different things that grow on trees?  Children can draw or cut fruits and nuts out of construction paper and make their favorite tree.

Word Family Tree – Children choose a rime and then write all the words they can think of that end with that sound.

Family Tree – Children write the names of people in their family on the tree.

Spooky Tree – Twist the ends of each strip to look like old limbs.  You can add bats or owls if you like.

Seasonal Tree – Children tear pieces of orange, red, and yellow paper and glue to the strips to make an autumn tree.
Dip a sponge in white paint and use like snow to make a winter tree.

Tear pink or white tissue paper into small pieces and wad up.  Glue to the limbs to make a spring tree.

Paint the strips green to make a summer tree.  Add birds or butterflies.

Fall Centerpiece – Here’s an idea for you if for a party this fall.  Use a large brown grocery bag to make a tree.  Add autumn leaves to the base of the tree or hang Halloween ornaments on the tree.