Monday, December 17, 2012


Jingle Bell Club (Kitty Allen)
Kids get to sign their name as members of the “Jingle Bell Club” when they learn to tie their shoes.  They also get a jingle bell on a ribbon to tie on their shoe laces.

Expert Chart (Karen Stone)
Every student can see themselves as an “expert” with this idea.  Make a poster with areas of expertise, such as cutting, writing numerals, writing letters, spelling, tying shoes, etc.  Children get to sign their name and put their picture on the poster where they feel they are an expert.  Students must consult at least “3 experts” before asking the teacher.
Table Captain  (Jennifer Hill)
At each table there are four children, each with a nametag.  On each tag is a red, blue, green, or yellow circle sticker.  Each week choose a different color sticker to be “table captain.”
*Colored stickers can be used for other transition activities.  For example, “Yellow stickers go to the art center.”

Envelope Assessment  (Cowan Elementary)
Laminate envelopes and then cut them in half.  Children can write on the laminated envelope with a dry erase marker.  This can be used for formative assessment.

Pony Beads (Vonda Stamm)
Place 10 pony beads on a string (5 of each color).  Use for number identification, addition, counting, etc.  If the teacher calls out a math fact they can hold up the answer and hide the beads they don’t want to show in their fist.
*Students could also use these with a partner.  For example, one student shows a number of beads and the partner tells the number.
Hint!  I tied a black bead on both ends of the string so the beads wouldn’t fall off.
Smart Beads
You can use costume jewelry or play beads for this activity.  If students answer questions correctly they get a “smart bead.” 

Beat the Teacher  (Cynthia Leonard)
The teacher slowly writes a numeral (letter, word) on the document camera.  The students try to guess the numeral before the teacher finishes writing.

Sight Words and Sign Language  (Kris Buss)
Teach sight words by using sign language.  Put a picture of the sign on the back of every sight word.  Use this for every word you teach.  By having the signs on the back of the cards, the parents can use these at home to help their children learn.

Ms.____Says!  (Sara Hunt)
Use vocabulary words and motions as you play a game similar to “Simon Says.”
(Teacher’s name) says, “Larva,” the children squirm like a worm. 
If the teacher just says, “Larva,” and the children squirm then they are out of the game and must sit down.

This is why I LOVE what I do!  Thank you Donna Calhoun!
         Dr. Jean, I attended your “No More Worksheets” in Lexington
         Wednesday.  I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed the day.
         We have already used many of your ideas. I really liked the
         attention grabber, “How does my teacher feel about me?”
         I created a chart with the students’ response, “I’m as special
         as special can be because my teacher believes in me!”  They all 
         signed their names on the chart and I hung it in the hall  We
        used the envelope cut into a bracelet for an exit slip today in phonics.