Saturday, December 8, 2012


Having children recall information during the day and at the end of the day is a powerful learning strategy that is easy to implement.  Here are a few suggestions you can use after reading a story, teaching a lesson, or to end your day in a positive way.

What Did You Learn?
First, ask children to think of something new they learned in school that day.  Then slap thighs and snap fingers as you go around the classroom and say:
Hey, hey, what do you say?
What did you learn in school today?
(Child responds what he or she learned.)
Continue saying the chant to the next child.

Catch and Tell 
You can also throw a ball (or bean bag) around the room.  As children catch the ball they say something they learned and then throw the ball to another friend.

Partner Teach
Have children get a partner and review what they learned or let have them discuss parts of a story.

Brain Tickets
Get a roll of tickets used for carnivals.  At the end of the day pass out tickets to children who can tell you something they learned that day.
*You could also use the tickets to reward children who answer questions correctly.

Kiss Your Brain!
Draw a pair of giant lips for your classroom door.  Before children go home ask them to tell you one new thing they learned.  Then tell them to “kiss their brains!” 
*One teacher said she kept a container of Hershey’s kisses for special occasions.

Catch a Star
Ask children to think of something new they learned or something they did that made them feel proud.  Tell them to reach up and grab a star and then put it in their hearts.

Close Your Eyes and Smile
Have children close their eyes.  If they can see something new they learned they can open their eyes and smile at you.

Pat Yourself on the Back
Children can also pat themselves on the back to reinforce learning.  Make sure they extend their arm across their body and pat the back of the opposite shoulder as they say, “Good job!”