Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Tis' the day after Christmas and all through your home
There are boxes and trash wherever you roam.
The fridge is full of leftover stuff.
And like it or not consume it you must!
The stockings are empty -
The tree’s needles are falling.
The children are fighting.
Your mother-in-law is calling.
But here is a thought for what you can do.
Just sit down and have a cup or two.
Relax and smile.  Think of a happy time.
You’ve still got a week before the school bell will chime.
This is a day to take a deep breath and calm down.
All the work will wait, so don’t you frown.
Go to a movie or read a book.
How about a long bath?  Don’t clean or cook!
Maybe take a nice long walk
Or call an old friend and have a good talk.
Make a list of your blessings to keep in your heart.
Positive thoughts are the best place to start.
Come back tomorrow and I’ll have new ideas for you.
Those lesson plans will wait for a day or two.
Enjoy your day!