Sunday, January 20, 2013


Most of you don’t have school tomorrow, so I bet you’re having a little fun surfing the web and getting some new ideas today.  Just in case you haven’t downloaded these cheers and limericks yet, today would be a great day to do so.  Mary Amoson ( approached me last summer about doing the alphabet cheer cards.  She’s created a large card for each letter of the alphabet, as well as a smaller version that you could download and put in a “Cheerios” box for when you need a little boost.

Mary also created a visual to go with my daughter’s “Letter Limericks.”

Mary’s for real!  Here she is on career dress up day with her kindergarten kiddos.  (Mary’s on the right.)
So, if you like the free stuff, Mary also created “Transition Tips and Tricks” you can purchase.  It’s 140 pages and well worth the $5.00 with ideas to start your day, focus children’s attention, clean up, line up, end your day and a little “magic” for all those in between times.