Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Have you ever heard of your “golden birthday”?  That was a new one for me.   Your “golden birthday” only occurs once in your lifetime when you are as old as the day on which you were born.  For example, if your birthday is March 6th, the year you turn six years old is your golden birthday.  If you turn 27 on February 27th, that’s your golden birthday.  (I guess I missed mine long ago!)
Our grandson had a birthday recently and our daughter came up with a unique solution to all the toys.  There is a site (echoage.com) that provides a balance between something for the birthday child and helping a charity of their choice.  K.J. was able to donate money to a camp for injured animals and get the video game of his “dreams.”  (What can I say?)  I’m sure the parents of the children who were invited were thrilled to donate online instead of buying a gift, wrapping it, yada yada.

I did a little exploring on the internet and it’s amazing how many alternatives there are to traditional birthday gifts.   Everything from a book exchange (every child brings a book and goes home with a book) to art supplies (which get donated to a shelter) to homemade cards…

If you’ve never seen my “birthday video” you can check it out to see how we celebrated in my classroom.