Sunday, May 12, 2013


Mothers love their children.
            Teachers do, too!
Mothers sing to their children.
            Teachers do, too!
Mothers read books to their children.
            Teachers do, too!
Mothers guide and discipline their children.
            Teachers do, too!
Mothers help their children learn everything they can.
            Teachers do, too.
Mothers comfort their children and dry their tears.
            Teachers do, too.
Mothers give their children hopes and dreams.
            Teachers do, too.
Mothers want their children to be happy.
            Teachers do, too.

I am reminded of a sweet book called GOOD BYE, MR. CHIPS that was about a teacher at a boy’s boarding school in England.  As Mr. Chipping was dying, someone remarked that it was sad that he never had children.  Mr. Chips’s perception is similar to what teachers everywhere feel:
            I thought I heard you saying it was a pity... pity I never had any children. 
            But you're wrong. I have. Thousands of them. Thousands of them...             
            and all boys.

Every teacher is a mother, so I wish a special day to each of you!