Thursday, July 11, 2013


Clothespin Kids           
Glue children’s faces to spring clothespins and store in a cookie tin.  Use for songs, asking questions, transitions, etc.

Use photos for graphs and comparisons.

Art Projects

Let children cut out their faces and use them for various art projects. For example, they could draw a picture of what they want to be when they grow up around their face, draw themselves as their favorite storybook character, make a collage with their friends’ pictures, and so on.

Place a Rolodex with children’s names and photos in the writing center. 
*If you don’t have a Rolodex, simply use an old address book. 

Class Stationery
Use children’s photos to make stationery.  Use the stationery to send notes home to parents or for the writing center.

Lunch Bag Book
Fold several lunch bags in half.  Cut a 1" slit down on the center crease and a 1" slit up on the crease.  Insert a rubber band to bind the sacks and make a book.