Wednesday, August 28, 2013


High Five
Make a “High Five” book with children’s fingers.  Trace around each child’s hand and let them decorate it.   Attach pages with tape to make an accordion book.  Number pages 5, 10, 15, 20…etc.
*Make a “Piggie Book” by tracing around children’s feet.  Practice counting by ten’s with this book.

Body Counting
Use different body parts for counting to 100.  Touch head as you count 1-
10.  Touch shoulders as you count from 11-20.  Touch knees as you count
from 21-30, and so forth.

Skip Counting
Patty cake or cross and tap as you skip count.

Odd and Even 
Slap thighs on odd numbers and clap hands on even numbers.

Draw the face of a worm (Numbo) on a circle or paper plate.  Cut 10-15 circles out of construction paper and number 1-10 or 1-25.  Pass the circles out to the children.  Place Numbo’s head on the floor and ask the children to help him grow.  The child with “1” puts her circle down, followed by “2,” “3,” etc.  Ask questions, such as:  “What number comes between 7 and 9?  What comes before 13?  What is 2 more than 4?
*Cut circles out of different colors of construction paper.  Start a pattern on Numbo and see if the children can extend it.

Count On
There are many variations of this game.  Children stand in a circle and each child says a number in order.  When you reach ten that child sits down.  At the beginning of the year start again with one to reinforce counting to ten.
*As children progress, count higher and have children sit down every time you reach a ten.  For example, 10, 20, 30, etc. would sit down.
*Adapt this game for counting by 5's or other multiples.
*The teacher randomly picks a starting number and stopping number.  For example: 17 and 32.