Sunday, August 25, 2013


We’re Great!
This alphabet book will build your classroom community and introduce vocabulary words. 
            We’re great, but no one knows it.
            No one knows it so far.
            Some day they’ll realize how wonderful we are!
            They’ll look at us, and point at us, 
            and then they’ll shout, “Hurray!”
            Let’s cheer how we’re wonderful beginning with A.

A-            We’re awesome.                       
B-            We’re brave.
C-            We’re creative.
D-            We’re dynamic
E-            We’re enthusiastic
F-             We’re fantastic.
G-            We’re gifted
H-            We’re honest
I-               We’re imaginative
J-             We’re joyful.
K-            We’re kind.
L-             We’re lovable
M-           We’re magnificent.
N-            We’re nice.
O-            We’re outgoing
P-            We’re polite.
Q-            We’re quick.
R-            We’re responsible
S-            We’re special.
T-             We’re terrific.
U-            We’re unique.
V-            We’re valuable.
W-           We’re wonderful.
X-            We’re excellent.
Y-            We’re youthful
Z-             We’re zany!

Note!  This song is actually on my “Just for Fun” CD, but I can’t think of a familiar
tune???  It will work if you just say the words.

*On the front of the notebook or pocket folder write “We’re Great!”  Write a
different letter of the alphabet on each page.   Show children the dictionary and
ask if they know what it is.  Explain that words are written in the book in
alphabetical order (ABC).  When people want to know how to spell a word or
want to know what a word means they look it up in the dictionary.  Tell the
children that you want them to help you make a special dictionary with
WONDERFUL words that describe special people just like them!  Use the words
from the above chant to start your dictionary.  Add words that children suggest.

*Let children make an acrostic poem by writing the letters in their name vertically down the left side on a piece of paper.  Can they write an adjective that describes them for each letter?
*How about a vocabulary parade?  Have each child choose a "wonderful" word.  Write it on a sentence strip and let them decorate it.  Pin it to them and let them walk around the room parading their words.