Friday, October 11, 2013


Stirring our Brew and 3 Little Witches
(Say the first 4 lines with a spooky voice.)
Stirring and stirring and stirring our brew…    (Pretend to stir.)
Wooooooo!   Woooooo!                                    (Cup hands by mouth.)
Stirring and stirring and stirring our brew…    (Stir.)
Wooooooo!   Wooooo!                                      (Cup hands by mouth.)
Tip-toe.  Tip-toe.  BOO!                                      (Pretend to tip-toe.)
(Sing these 4 lines to “Ten Little Indians”)
One little, two little, three little witches.           (Hold up 3 fingers.)
Flying over haystacks, flying over ditches.    (Fly fingers in the air.)
Slid down the moon and tore their britches!   (Hands on pants.)                 
Hi, ho, Halloween’s here!                                  (Clap hands.)

My children used to LOVE to act out this song.  You can make broomsticks by rolling up several sheets of newspaper lengthwise.  Tape.  Cut half way down and then ruffle like a broom.
Witch’s Brew
Make a list of silly things children suggest to put in witch’s brew.  Are witches real or pretend.  Make a T-Chart of things that are real and things that are pretend.

Witch’s Stew
How about a little witch’s stew for snack.  You will need 5 lunch sacks, 1 large bowl, Cheerios, pretzel sticks, fish crackers, raisins, M & M’s, ice cream cones.  Write “frog eyes” on one sack and fill with Cheerios.  Write “salted bones” on the second sack and fill with pretzel sticks.  Write “dead fish” on the third sack and fill with fish crackers.  Write “toad eyes” on the fourth sack and fill with raisins.  Write “lizard gizzards” on the fifth sack and fill with M&M’s.  Place the large bowl on the floor and make up a story about collecting all the items for your witch’s stew.  One at a time let children come up and dump the contents in the bowl.  Stir with a spoon as you sing the above song.  Serve in ice cream cones.  (Hint!  You can substitute peanuts, miniature marshmallows, or other snack foods for any of the ingredients.)

Scary Things
Halloween is a good time to talk about things that are real and things that are pretend.  It’s also helpful to talk about things that scare us.  I always talk about things that scare me, and that usually encourages the children to open up and talk about things that scare them.  Everybody’s afraid of something, and that’s O.K.  Make a class book called “Scary Things” where each child draws their fears and dictates or writes a story about them.