Saturday, February 8, 2014


Eleven years ago I was invited to be a guest speaker in Australia. I fell in love with the country and the people, and I’ve been trying to “sell” my husband on going there with me ever since. Finally, we are about to take the trip of a lifetime. Being gone 3 weeks and traveling on a plane for 20+ hours takes a lot of “saving” and a lot of work! This is the BIG day and we will be up, up, and away to the “land down under.” Just like you, I’ve done my “lesson plans” ahead of time so you’ll be getting a daily blog from me. I’m not sure what the internet service will be like, but I’ll try and take some pictures along the way to share with you. And, while I’m gone, I’ve got a little “happie” for you each day. What’s a “happie” you say? Well, not every day is perfect, but a “happie” is something to add a smile to your classroom. 

Day 1
This is a song I learned when I visited Australia over ten years ago. It goes to
the tune of “A Ram Sam Sam.” (Cocky refers to the cockatiel.)

A kangaroo, (Arms up like paws and jump.)
A kangaroo,
Frill necked lizard, (Palms open by neck like a collar.)
And a kangaroo.

A kangaroo,
A kangaroo,
Frill necked lizard,
And a kangaroo.

A cocky, (Hands in armpits and flap like wings.)
A cocky,
Frill necked lizard
And a kangaroo.

A cocky,
A cocky,
Frill necked lizard
And a kangaroo.

*Do a search on the internet to see what a frill necked lizard and cockatiel look like. Where is Australia on the globe?

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

I presented at the Early Childhood Methodist Conference in Houston last week and look at these great ideas I “snapped.”

Put a little shaving cream in a heavy-duty gallon zip bag. Eyes and nose on the outside and a carrot made of fun foam on the inside. Even I couldn’t resist playing with this! 

(The maracas on the side are plastic eggs with beans taped to a spoon.)

Now, is this clever or what??? Let children practice small motor skills with stickies on a pizza pan. Talk about no fuss and no muss!

Hooroo! (Aussie for good-bye!)