Monday, February 3, 2014


Abraham Lincoln was my father's favorite President. I mean, who wouldn't fall in love with a guy born in a log cabin who had to walk miles to school in the snow? As an adult, the more I learned about Lincoln, the more my heart ached for the tragic personal life this great leader endured. As with many, he has received increased love and respect since his passing.

Abraham Lincoln
(Tune: “Pop Goes the Weasel”)
Abraham Lincoln, past President, (Point to a picture of Lincoln.)
Loved and honored by many.
To help us remember this famous man,
We put his face on a penny.
Hold a penny in your hand (Hold up a penny.)
And his face you’ll see.
He always tried to tell the truth.
He’s Honest Abe to me.
*Download the book to go with the song on my February, 2007, website.

Log Cabin Snack – Give children pretzel twist sticks and a spoonful of peanut butter or cream cheese. Children try to build a log cabin by stacking the pretzels with the peanut butter.

*Use cream cheese if there are peanut allergies in your classroom.

Penny Inspection – Let children look at pennies with a magnifying glass.

Rubbings – Make rubbings of pennies.

Penny, Penny – Three children leave the classroom. The other children cup their hands as if holding a penny. The teacher hides the penny in one child’s hand. When the three children return to the room, they walk around the room and open their friends’ hands. The first one to find the penny gets to choose 3 new friends to leave the room and she gets to hide the penny.

Time Line – Give children a sentence strip. At the left write the year they were born. Write each additional year up until the present. Children take the time line home and try to find a penny with each year’s date.