Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Do I love my job or what? I have tons of things I need to do, but it’s more fun to be creative and do what I want to do!

Run off a copy of a cell phone keyboard for each child. (I downloaded this one from the internet. I tried placing my phone on my copier, but it didn’t come out clear enough.) After children cut it out and glue it to cardstock they can design their personal phone cover. Now, wouldn’t they get a kick out of that! You’ve got their attention, so these are a few learning activities with the phones:

Phone Number – Let children practice typing their phone number.

911 – Discuss what you do when there’s an emergency. Be very emphatic about not calling this number unless it is a real emergency!

Math – Have children find the number that comes before…after…one more than…how many ones in…how many tens…addition & subtraction

Spelling – Spell names, word wall words, etc.

Value – What is your name worth? Which spelling word is worth 10?

*Can you think of other things to do with the phone?
*Can the children think of things to do with their phones?