Friday, March 7, 2014


Yesterday after I posted the blog about the transformation of kindergarten I was cleaning out my desk and found this book published by NAEYC in 1988. This is what they say about INAPPROPRIATE practices:
*Most activities are very structured, teacher-led, and directed toward large groups of children. 
*Children are expected to sit quietly and listen to or watch the teacher.
*Children are drilled in the alphabet, letter sounds, or how to count – skills are taught in isolated segments.
*Bribes are used to get children to pay attention and learn.
*Children spend most of their day indoors and sitting.
*Schools purchase or teachers prepare most lessons and children complete them.
*All children are required to participate in all activities.
*Worksheets, workbooks, dittos, and flash cards are used frequently.
*The teacher fits in music and art only when specialists are scheduled.

It strikes me that everything that was inappropriate 25 years ago is exactly what is happening today! What can I say? What can I do? Tell you to SHUT YOUR DOOR every once in a while and sing, play a game, do a messy art activity, laugh, and remember what is BEST for children!

So, what else did I find when I cleaned out my desk drawer?

I – N – G
(Tune: “Row Your Boat”)
I - N- G, I -N -G, I –N- G says “ing.”
Hopping, jumping, running, singing,
I – N- G says “ing.” 
*Take pictures of children doing different motions and make a book with “ing” words. For example: 
     Alisha is singing. 
     Lewis is reading.
     Fran is drawing.
3 –H Good-bye
Heigh-de-ho, heigh-de-hay,
Sure am glad you came today.
Before you go, what do you say?
Hug, handshake, or high-5 today?
*Children choose if they want to give the teacher a hug, handshake, or high-5 before they leave the classroom.

Hickety Pickety Bumblee Words
(I thought this was a good chant if you’ve got a few extra minutes in the day.
You can point to words on the word wall or you can hold up word cards.)
Hickety pickety bumblee,
Who can read this word for me? (Children read word.)
Clap it. (Clap out syllables as you say the word.)
No sound. (Mouth the word.)
…Continue doing other words.