Monday, April 7, 2014


K.J. is coming to visit soon and he and his friends like to make cartoons. I remembered this technique for making cartoons and I can’t wait to show him. Would you like to learn how? It’s easy peasy, but you’ll surely impress your students or your own children. In addition, you could connect this activity to stories, science themes, or social studies. 

Materials: white copy paper, stapler, black pen

Directions: 1. Fold the paper into fourths and cut on the creased line.
2. Take two sheets and staple them at the top.
3. Lift the top layer and draw a simple shape on the bottom. Keep your drawing to the bottom half of the page.
4. Now, place the top sheet over the bottom and trace over the lines. Vary one or two features, such as arms, ears, mouth, etc.
5. Take a pencil and roll the top sheet up around the pencil.
6. Quickly move the pencil up and down to bring life to your cartoon. Taa daa!