Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Bad weather and a cancelled flight didn’t stop me from getting to Williamsport, PA, last Friday – thank goodness! It was a fantastic trip because I met so many wonderful teachers and adorable children. I always offer to do a free family concert when I’m invited to speak, and Cochran Primary took me up on it. The children got up on stage with me and sang and danced and I think I had more fun than they did! Actually, I think the parents had the best time watching their kiddles perform! 

Jodi Binkley at Penn Tech invited me to their conference 
and gave me a tour of their Child Development Center. WOW! It’s got to be one of the most amazing centers I’ve ever visited! The space, classrooms, materials, teachers…it knocked my socks off! Every little child in America deserves that kind of environment to grow up in. 

I’m frustrated with what we are doing to little children, but also to what we are doing to early childhood majors in colleges. There was a time when we taught finger plays, art activities, games, stories, and songs. Many times when I meet young teachers they tell me they are not leaving college with any of those tools. Somebody is dropping the ball and I’d like to give them a “piece of my mind”! Fortunately, the students at Penn Tech are still making dramatic play materials, books, puppets, and getting “hands-on” experiences with children.

Anything that brings nature inside is a good thing, and Jodi came up with this mobile. She tied several branches together with pipe cleaners and then attached them to the ceiling with fishing line. Throughout the year they add autumn leaves, snowflakes, flowers, birds, and other seasonal crafts. 

Hailey Liberti, one of the students created this small motor activity where children insert the bees into the beehive with tweezers. I couldn’t resist trying it myself!