Sunday, September 7, 2014


September 7th is officially Grandparents' Day. Really, everyone should just skip being a parent and go directly to being a grandparent. Even if you are not a biological parent, every teacher is a grandparent to some child. You think the sun rises and sets with them and they are absolutely WONDERFUL!

Today is a good day to reflect on a special memory you had with your grandparents.  It's also the perfect day to call them, thank them, and tell them that you love them!

My grandfather used to put me on a stool and let me help him make canned tomato soup when I visited.  That was the BEST soup in the whole, wide world.  My sweet grandmother would always let me have a tea party and she never said, "Only one spoonful of sugar!"  Someone once told me that when a person you care for passes away your memories and love would be like beams of light going to them.  I hope it's true!  (You know, it's also interesting that so many of my memories of life involve food.  Is that just me or is the same true for you?)

Sharon MacDonald sent me this picture and it's worth a thousand words. I know lots of songs and and games, but K.J. can make that iPad sing and dance!

I received this email yesterday from Marjorie Green:

I follow your blog and use so many of your ideas with my pre-k kids! I discovered the power of a song when I began to teach pre-k. Thanks so much for all you do to keep me inspired and motivated. I love trying new ideas.

A parent at my school shared this article and I think this teacher has an amazing idea to help her learn more about the students in her class and how they are connecting socially and emotionally with their classmates. For some, school is the only safe and steady place...
I hope you find this article as amazing as I did! A simple yet so powerful idea!

I did find the article amazing, and it was a reminder of how we really can be a grandparent emotionally to the children in our room!