Friday, October 3, 2014


(Tune: “Spiderman” Cartoon)
Spider rings, spider rings.
They are such a fun thing.
Spider rings, spider rings,
You can teach anything.
Come on! Have fun with spider rings.

This is what I do in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep. I think of things to put on my blog! And the good news is most everything I share is cheap, easy, hands-on, and FUN! Plastic spider rings are plentiful this time of year, so here are a few ideas I came up with.

Ask children to sort the rings. What was their sorting rule?

Put different amounts of spider rings in bags or cups. Number the cups. Children count and then record their answers.

Draw spider webs and label with numerals or number words. Children make appropriate sets. 
Addition and Subtraction
Children can work out math problems with the spider rings.

Fill a plastic jar with spider rings. Children estimate how many and then write it on a sheet of paper with their name. At the end of the day count the spiders. Who guessed more? Less? Who was closest?

Give each child a spider ring. Can you put it above your head? Can you put it beside you? Can you put it between your knees? Etc.

Children can use spider rings to sing the “Itsy Bitsy Spider.” Sing “The BIG FAT Spider” with a loud voice. Sing the “Teensy Weensy Spider” with a high, squeaky voice.

Nursery Rhyme
Let one child be little Miss Muffet. Tie a string to a spider ring and let another child dangle it as you say the rhyme.
Cut notches in a paper plate. Children can weave yarn through the notches and then tie a ring to the end of the yarn.
Children can dip spiders in paint and then use them like paint brushes.
Can children continue a pattern with the spiders? Can they create an AB, or ABB pattern?
Children draw a spider web on a paper plate. They can write a story about a spider on the back of the plate.

What’s the difference between a spider and an insect? How many legs does a spider have? How many legs on 2 spiders? 3 spiders?

What Can You Find Out?
Collect books about spiders from the library. Invite children to look at the books and take “notes.” Let children share their information with classmates.
*This would also be a good activity for children to do with a partner or small group.

Spider Puppet 
You will need paper plates, construction paper, an old sock, markers, and a stapler to make this project. Decorate two plates to look like a spider’s body. Cut eight 8” x 1 12” strips for the spider’s legs. Glue 4 legs on either side of the body. Staple the plates together around the sides where the legs are glued. Draw a face on the sock and then stick it through the center of the plates.

Spider Soup
This was one of my favorite Halloween activities! Get a large industrial size can of chicken noodle soup. Remove the wrapper and cover with construction paper. Write “spider soup” on the label. Take two packages of ramen noodles and crush. Put in a paper lunch sack and write “spider webs” on the front of the sack. Explain to the children that you’ll be having spider soup for snack. Show them the can and just LISTEN to their comments. Open the can and put it in a crock pot. (Someone will be sure to comment that they see spider legs and meat!) Show them the sack and explain that you will end crunchy spider webs to make it better. Dump those in and slowly cook until it is warm. Serve in paper cups.
Spider Applause
Bend down thumbs and touch four fingertips from each hand. Tap gently! That’s the spider applause you get for using these ideas!

P.S.  It's World Smile Day!  :)