Tuesday, December 16, 2014


I'm trying to remember the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid!) principle this week because I know you are overwhelmed with parties and programs and trimmings and trappings. This activity might actually help with behavior as you build vocabulary.


We Really Like You!
Have children brainstorm positive behaviors as you write the words on the board. Examples might include: “kind,” “helpful,” “polite,” “respectful,” “positive,” “enthusiastic,” “responsible,” etc. Write the words on index cards. (You might need to duplicate words because each you will need one card for each student in your classroom.)  Put the cards in a gift bag and let one child at a time come up and pull out a word. Sing their word in the song below to the tune of “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.”

We like you because you’re (word).
We like you because you’re (word).
We like you because you’re (word).
We really like you!

Tape the word to the child. If they misbehave simply ask, “Do you need to take off your word? Act like your word.”

I Really Like Marcus Mariota 
Now, here's a real live hero to talk about!  If you're not a football fan, the highest award in college football is the Heisman trophy.  Marcus Mariota, the quarterback from the University of Oregon, won the prestigious award Saturday evening and he makes me so proud!  (Wish I'd been his kindergarten teacher!)  Every word out of his mouth is "blessed" or "grateful."  He's the first Hawaiian to win the Heisman and he is so humble and credits his team, family, state, coaches...  There are so many negative sports "stars?", but here's a GOOD GUY!  Introduce Marcus Mariota to your students.  Ask your students why they think he won the award.  Emphasize his commitment, hard work, and his JOY in playing the game with his team.  Cheers for the Ducks, the Mariota family, and Hawaii!!!
You, too, will love him after you read this article!

And I Really Like Debbie Clement!
I'm doing my first tweet chat tonight thanks to Debbie!  She'll be holding my hand as I venture into Tweet Land!  Come join the party at 9!