Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Several days ago I shared ideas to start your day. Here are some activities to end your day with a smile and a song.
Hint!  If you don't know the tune to a song simply put it in your search engine and you can probably find a youtube video with the arrangement.
Car Wash
Children form two lines facing each other and begin moving their hands in a circular motion like a car wash. One child at a time walks down the center of the car wash as friends gently touch them and say something positive about them.

Thumbs Up
Put your thumbs up if you learned something new today. (Put thumbs up.)
Clap your hands if you had fun today. (Clap hands.)
Give yourself a hug if you were a kind friend today. (Hug self.)
See you tomorrow for another special day. (Wave and smile.) 

It Is Time to Say Good-Bye

Sing this song to the tune of “She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain” as you clap your hands.
It is time to say “good-bye” to all my friends.
It is time to say “good-bye” to all my friends.
It is time to say “good-bye,”
give a smile and wink your eye.
It is time to say “good-bye” to all my friends.

Echo Song

(Tune: “Where Is Thumbkin?”)
Good bye friends. (Wave hand.)
Good bye friends. (Children repeat.)
Time to go.
Time to go. (Children repeat.)
We had fun learning.
We had fun learning. (Children repeat.)
Love you so! (Hug self.)
Love you so! (Children repeat.)

The More We Get Together

Here are a few new verses to a traditional song. This is a good song to sing in sign language.
The more we get together, together, together.
The more we get together, the happier we’ll be.
For your friends are my friends,
and my friends are your friends.
The more we get together, the happier we’ll be.

The more we learn together…
The more we play together…
The more we sing together…
And if you had a tough day, form a circle, hold hands, and sing this song.

May There Always Be Sunshine

(Tune: “Old Stewball Was a Racehorse”)
May there always be sunshine.
May there always be blue skies.
May there always be children.
May there always be you. 

May there always be stories.
May there always be music.
May there always be teachers
To care for you.

May there always be sunshine.
May there always be blue skies.
May you always feel special,
Because you are you!