Friday, April 24, 2015


The Book with No Pictures (Andrew Thompson) 
This book by B. J. Novak is a fabulous read aloud that will have pre-k through 5th grader laughing and catching a little “reading fever.”
(Of course, I had to go right out and buy it. Kalina and K.J. are in Australia now, but I read it to them when we skyped the other night. I also read it to a Flat Stanley someone sent me.) 

Air Writing (Lisa Callis)
Go from large to small as you practice air writing letters, numerals, shapes, etc.
Stick out one arm and write with your finger.
Hold your shoulder with the opposite hand as you write with one finger.
Hold your elbow and write.
Hold your wrist and write.
Hold finger and write.

Cup Game (Julie Larmer)
Write addition and subtraction problems on the top of a plastic cup. Write the answer on the inside on a dot sticker. If the student gets the answer correct they get to use the cup to build a tower.
*Use cups for spelling words to read and spell.
*Sort odd and even.
*Use for greater than and less than. (One cup has a greater than sign, less than, and equal sign. The other cups have numbers.) The student picks out 2 cups and places the correct sign between the numbers.

Transitions (Shamara Myers)
Moving to the Carpet
Criss cross applesauce
Criss cross for me.
Criss cross applesauce
Won’t you criss cross for me
In 1 – 2 – 3!

Standing on Letter Carpet
(Tune: “We Just Got a Letter” from Blue’s Clutes)
Two feet on one letter
Two feet on one letter
That’s where you should be
In 1 – 2 – 3!

Moving to Tables
Pencil, pencil in the air
I see pencils everywhere.

Compound Word Cheer ((Shelby Steele)
“2 words” (hold up 2 fingers)
(clap your hands) and say “put together”
(1 hand on your hip and 1 finger in the air) “to make one word”
“A compound word is…
2 words put together to make one word.”

You’re on a Roll Cheer (Shelby Steele)
Say, “You’re on a roll!” as you roll your arms back and forth.

Smart Chickens and Cowboys (Laura Wensell)
Turn off the lights and flash up words for children to read. Insert a few pictures of chickens and a few of cowboys. When the chicken comes up children flap their arms and cluck. When the cowboy appears they stand up and say “yee haw”!
Record the time as the kids get faster and faster.

Check out this video to see how Erica uses sign language to dismiss tables to line up.