Sunday, June 7, 2015


It’s amazing how some things in life circle around and come back to you. This story is why I am still passionate about what I do and I just can’t retire!!!

My husband and I LOVE gospel music and help support the Charleston Gospel Choir. Last week at a concert they performed for Spoleto (Charleston’s yearly arts festival) we were introduced. When the concert was over a lady came up to me and said, “I know who you are. We sing your songs in Rwanda.” Talk about a surprise!!!! She filled my heart with as much JOY as the gospel music did! I gave her my email address and offered to send her some materials to take back to Africa with her. This is her response:

Dear Jean,
It was wonderful to talk with you last night and the concert was fantastic! Thank you so much for offering to send us a box of CDs, books, and puppets, they will be enjoyed a lot in Rwanda. I thought you would enjoy the attached photos of our 3 year olds doing TootyTa. They just think that is so much fun and so do the teachers. Our school is called Amahoro Children's School and the children are 3-5 years old. Amahoro means peace in the local language, Kinyarwanda…
Thanks again!!

Music truly is a universal language and the look on these children’s faces is the best gift I could ever receive!

It’s the little things that you do every day as a teacher to make children smile and give them a little happiness. No standards can ever diminish your ability to do that!