Saturday, September 5, 2015


Children definitely need to stand for this part of morning meeting and begin by doing an alphabet song such as:

Who Let the Letters Out?
Happy Birthday Letters
Alphardy  (You can download this free on my website this month.)
Phonercise  (There is a free youtube video of this song.)
Letter Pops    

Kick Box the ABC’s
Go Letters!
Alphabet Remix

Stop and Touch
A clever way to help children make connections between what they are singing and the printed letter is to play a game similar to “freeze.” Several times during an alphabet song stop the music and have the children touch the letter on classroom print.

Note! I think playing “dance and freeze” is also good for self-regulation and impulse control.

Body Letters
Can the children make the specific letter you are focusing on?

Air Writing

Write letters in the air with your index finger or another body part.

Sign Language
Teach manual signs for letters as you introduce them.

Pop a Word
Make the sound of the letter and challenge children to “pop out” all the words they can think of that begin with that sound.

Pinkies UP
Children listen as you say a group of words. If a word begins with the letter sound you are working on they put up their pinky finger.