Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Explain that “sparkle” words are power words that make talking and reading more interesting. On Wonderful Wednesday they get to learn a sparkle word. Choose a word from a book, unit of study, or of personal interest to your students. Write the word in glue on a 10" sentence strip and then sprinkle with glitter.  Cut off the left end of an envelope and insert the word in the envelope.  Make a big deal of introducing the word by saying:
     Give a drum roll….(pat knees and make a sound).
     Give a Beethoven…(pretend to hold a violin and hum the first few notes of Beethoven’s 5th Symphony).
     Give me a trumpet…(pretend to hold a horn and toot).
Pull out one letter at a time as you blend the sounds and introduce the sparkle word.

*Dramatize the word.

*Invite students to make up sentences using the word.

*Put the sparkle word in a name badge and wear it throughout the day.  At random times in the day say, “If you know my sparkle word smile at me.” “If you can read my word shout it out!” “If you can read my word whisper it out.”

*Save sparkle words each week and review.  Give children a cheer when they use a sparkle word.