Sunday, October 11, 2015


Did you know that I consider you as my "friends"? I really do! I can't see you and I might not know you personally, but every day when I write this blog I am thinking of you as the teacher in the room next door to me.  I want to share everything I've learned over my 45 years as an educator, and I want to share what is in my heart with you as well.  Teaching is always a work of "art" and "heart"!

Last week I received a letter that knocked me off me feet. I get tears in my eyes and my heart gets happy when I think about it. I'm sharing this with you because you never know. You never know as an educator how you are going to touch someone's life. You never know how a silly song might brighten a child's day.  It's not state standards or your curriculum that will change a child's life - it's all those little things you do each day.  And that's why you do what you do! And that's why you SHUT YOUR DOOR and keep on loving those children and singing and dancing and making their world a happier place!!!
This is the letter as she wrote it:

Dear Dr. Jean,
I am 10 years old, and I still adore your wonderful music! I used to listen to it in pre-school, and have two albums of yours. The thing is, my real mom died when I was a few months old and got a step mom that is really nice to me. But the main idea for this, is you helped me get through my life so far with your music. The memories I have had listening to the music of yours goes way back. My favorate song of all time is Peanutbutter. I love it because it is just really fun and silly. Please write back…from ____, a fan.

Here's my response:

Dear Mara,
Bless your heart! Thank you so much for your letter! That’s one of the sweetest letters I’ve ever received. You must have a lot of people who love you to be such a precious person!
Music is something that you can put in your heart and pull out when you need a smile or something to look forward to.
I wish I lived closer to you because I’d love to meet you. I have a ten year old grandson and a five year old granddaughter. We could sing, dance, and have fun doing my silly songs. And then we’d eat pizza and ice cream!!!!
I’m going to send you my DVD so you can sing and dance with me any time at all. I know you’re almost a teenager now, but a funny thing is that the high school kids like my “Banana Dance,” too.
Never grow up!
Keep on singing and dancing!
Remember that God loves us and wants us to be happy!!!

So, here's a hug from me to you and a thank you for all the little things you do!

P.S.  If any of you South Carolina teachers lost my music in the floods, please email me and I'll get you singing again!