Saturday, November 7, 2015


November 7th is Book Lovers Day, but you can wait and celebrate reading on November 10th because it happens to be Young Readers Day. As educators, we understand the importance of being able to read, but it’s equally important that children ENJOY reading. Teachers need to be sales people and SELL their students on reading. 

I remember visiting a kindergarten classroom one day and the children eagerly came up to me with books that they wanted to read to me. I looked at the teacher and said, “I am so impressed! Your students are wonderful readers!” The teacher smiled and said so all could hear, “My children have discovered how much fun it is to read and they just want to read all the time!!!” That’s what you call good brainwashing!!!

Another teacher said that when a child first opened a book and had that “Ah-ha” moment of “I CAN READ!” she would shut the door, climb up on the table, and do the happy reading dance. “Josie can read! Josie can read!”

Unfortunately, testing and standards have overshadowed some of the JOY of reading. But, you can do something about it this week!

*Invite your students to discuss WHY it is important to read. Emphasize that learning to read really does make you smarter and happier.

*Discuss why you LIKE to read. Let children complete this sentence: I like to read because…

*Have children ask their parents how reading helps them do their job.

Let children interview family members, friends, and school helpers about reading. They might want to ask the following:
     *Why do you like to read?
     *When do you like to read?
     *Where do you like to read?
     *What do you like to read?
Compare results.

Persuasive Posters
Divide children into small groups and challenge them to make posters to encourage others to read. Hang these around the school.

Step into a Book
Children love to take off their shoes so here’s a good excuse. Let them trace around their foot, decorate it, and use it as a bookmark.

DEAR (Drop Everything And Read)
This is a perfect day to yell “DEAR” and let children read what they want and where they want in the classroom.

A good friend from high school has written a book for children about a rooster who landed in his suburban neighborhood. It’s absolutely delightful and you can find out more about it on his website