Friday, January 1, 2016


Happy New Year!  I've got four "happies" (new videos) that will have your students moving and learning in the new year.
Let’s get the year started by acting out sports we can do each month.

Sports Around the Year
January, let’s all skate – (Slide feet from side to side with big steps.)
Slipping, sliding, feeling great.
In February, grab your skis (Squat and swing arms from left to right.)
Down the mountain, fast and free.
In March we’ll do some hoops (Pretend to dribble a ball and then shoot.)
Basketball dribble, shoot, and loop.
In April let’s do track and field (Run in place and jump.)
Running, jumping down the field.

Biking, dancing, playing ball (Do jumping jacks, march, or
Winter, spring, summer, fall. a dance step.)
Staying fit and staying strong.
Playing sports all year long!

In May we’ll kick and punt the ball (Right foot kicks to the left
Playing soccer, one and all. and then left foot kicks to the right.)
In June baseball is so much fun (Pretend to swing a bat.)
Pitching, batting in the sun.
In July we’ll swim in the pool (Swim forwards, backwards, sidestroke.)
Backstroke, sidestroke, feeling cool.
In August we’ll all be gymnasts (Balance on right foot and lean forwards.)
Balancing, tumbling on the mats. (Balance on left foot and lean forwards.)


September, now it’s football time: (Feet out and run in place.)
Down, set, hut on the scrimmage line.
October’s great for cheerleading, (Hands in air and jump up and down.)
Cheering on our favorite team.
November: let’s karate chop! (Pretend to chop right and then left.)
Kick and block – now don’t you stop!
December, swing your hockey stick- (Pretend to skate and swing a stick.)
Hit that puck, we never miss!


Sports Day
Liven up a boring winter day with “sports day.” Invite children to wear clothing from their favorite sport or team.

Let children take turns pantomiming different sports as their friends try to guess.

Discuss what it means to be a “good sport.” Role-play being a good loser and a good winner.

Encourage children to bring equipment from sports they like to play. Write down the names of the equipment on the board and use for a writing activity.

Make a graph of their favorite sport or sports team.

College Days
Talk about where you went to college and why it is important to go to college. Let each child make a pennant of the college they would like to attend. Use the pennants to decorate your classroom.