Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Last Friday I did a workshop with some AWESOME Head Start teachers in Berkeley County. They really liked this story and so I told them I’d share it on a blog. It’s simple to make, fun to tell, and reinforces colors and rhymes.  I read in a book that there are no words in the English language that rhyme with "purple."  Hey, we early childhood educators can make "syruple"!
Note! The directions say to make mittens out of felt, but you could also make them out of construction paper.

Directions: Cut pairs of mittens from felt using the attached pattern. (You will need brown, white, black, red, blue, green, orange, purple, and yellow mittens for the story.) Place the appropriate mitten on the flannel board as you tell the story.  After the children have heard the story several times, encourage them to fill in the missing color word. You could also pass out the mittens to the children and let them hold them up at the appropriate time.

Hint! Make a flannel board by stapling the sides of a file folder together. Glue felt to one side. Insert the pieces inside and glue the story to the back.

The three little kittens lost their mittens, their brand new mittens of blue.
Let’s help the kittens look for their mittens so they won’t go, “Boo hoo!”

We found some mittens just right for kittens by the bedroom light.
“Boo hoo, the mittens are not the right mittens for the are colored white.”

We found some mittens just right for kittens in our school backpack.
“Boo hoo, the mittens are not the right mittens for they are colored black.”

We found some mittens just right for kittens in the washing machine.
“Boo hoo, the mittens are not the right mittens for they are colored green.”

We found some mittens just right for kittens by the puppet clown.
“Boo hoo, the mittens are not the right mittens for they are colored brown.”

We found some mittens just right for kittens under baby’s bed.
“Boo hoo, the mittens are not the right mittens for they are colored red.”

We found some mittens just right for kittens by the crayon that’s orange.
“Boo hoo, the mittens are not the right mittens for they are colored orange.”

We found some mittens just right for kittens by a box of Jello.
“Boo hoo, the mittens are not the right mittens for they are colored yellow.”

We found some mittens just right for kittens by the maple syruple.
“Boo hoo, the mittens are not the right mittens for they are colored purple.”

We found some mittens just right for kittens in a tennis shoe.
“Hooray, the mittens are just the right mittens for they are colored blue!”

*Sing the nursery rhyme about "The Three Little Kittens."

*Use the mittens to play a matching game. Ask the children to close their eyes as you hide one of each mitten in the room. Pass out the other mittens to the children and have them “meow” as they hunt around the room and look for their matching mitten.

*Make matching games with the mittens where children use a clothespin to clip the mittens that go together. You can make games with upper and lowercase letters, rhyming pictures, sets and numerals, antonyms, and so forth.
