Thursday, April 21, 2016


April 21st really is Kindergarten Day, and as a way of remembering how kindergarten used to be I have recorded this song for you!

Many of you remember being in a kindergarten similar to the one I sung about.  Some of you might even have been lucky enough like me to teach during that magical time.  We can't hold back the ocean, but we can remember to try and "squeeze" in a song, game, and creative activity every day!

Kindergarten (Tune:  "Camelot")
We used to paint, do puzzles, play with play dough,
Read stories, play with blocks, and play pretend.
We sang and we held hands and we danced in kindergarten!
Worksheets were forbidden until first grade.
Testing? Absolutely NOT!
We started every day with a song
And played outside a lot!

Kindergarten! Kindergarten!
I know it sounds a bit bizarre.
But in kindergarten! Kindergarten!
That’s how conditions were.

We had show and tell and field trips,
Cooking, parties, sandboxes, and swings.
In short there was simply not,
A more wonderful spot
For creating happy moments
Than in our kindergartens.

We never had discipline problems.
And did our administrators and parents love us?
We made learning like play with games and centers.
And they all learned just the same - in their own way.
They felt special and worthy and capable!

Kindergarten! Kindergarten!
I know it gives you teachers pause,
But in kindergarten! Kindergarten!
There were developmental laws.

We didn’t have Smart boards or computers.
We hugged, explored, and gave them time to dream.
In short there was simply not
A more memorable spot
For becoming happy grownups
Than in our kindergartens!

My Kinder Friends, 1985    
My Kinder Friend, 2016