Friday, April 15, 2016


For some of you the end of the school year isn't far off. Here's an activity that would be perfect to start now and then the children would have a "treasure box of books" to take home and read over the summer.

Explain that books are like treasures. They are dreams and adventures and friends and full of wonderful things. Encourage the children to tell you why they love books. Invite the children to make a "treasure box" so they can save the books they make at school. They can take their treasure boxes home at the end of the school year so they'll have books to read all summer long. 


Ask children to bring in an empty cardboard food box from home. Cut off the top and spray paint gold or silver. (An adult will need to do this.) Let the children decorate with stickers, glitter pens, and other art media. Over the next few weeks have children save reproducible books and blank books they make in their "treasure boxes." SELL the children on reading these over the summer because books are like friends you want to visit again and again!!!

RAH! RAH! Read at home! Read at home!
Here's a little formula a teacher shared to encourage students to practice rereading books at home.  Tell them to hold up four fingers and read their books four times.     
     1st – Practice reading to a stuffed animal.
     2nd – Practice reading in the mirror.
     3rd - Practice reading to a pet or sibling.
     4th – Read to their parents.

Hint!  You can download free reproducible books from many sites.   You might want to start your collection with "The Wheels on the Bus" I had on my blog yesterday.
* also has some good reproducible books.