Thursday, June 2, 2016


If you don’t know what VBS means – Vacation Bible School! As a child that was always the highlight of my summer. Back in those days we didn’t have televisions (much less 100 cable channels) or electronic devices. Forget flying to an exotic place! Grandpa’s farm was about as far as we got, but it was the BEST! 

Anyway, Bible School meant being around friends, games, crafts, Kool-Aid, cookies, and singing. Some of those songs I learned over 60 years ago are still in my heart. That’s the power of music. We may forget many things, but songs get stored in the deepest part of the brain. (I hope I’m still singing them loud some day when I’m in the memory loss center!)


Almost 15 years ago Shari Sloane and I made a CD called “Sing, Little Children, Sing” with gospel songs that we grew up with, as well as some songs to teach the books of the Bible, Disciples, Ten Commandments, etc.  If you go to my website ( today you can download the entire CD FREE.  You can also download a copy of the lyrics.  (Pick and choose the songs that you like best and the ones that are compatible with your beliefs.)

Thanks for helping me put a song in the hearts of children!!!!