Sunday, June 5, 2016


Carolyn Kisloski sent this picture of her little girls with their fairy wings. It captures the essence of summer and childhood - what a magical time!         

I'm going to be "flying" to Fairbanks, Alaska, and Amarillo, Texas, this week, but I've got some great summer outdoor fun activities planned for you.

Let's see how we can take advantage of some nice weather by taking those reading and writing standards out on the playground!
Treasure Hunt Story
Prepare clues that will lead to a “treasure story.” (This is a special book that you have hidden outside.) For example: 
1. A treasure hunt is so much fun. Near the swing is clue number one. 
2. Clue number two should be easy, too. At the top of the slide is something for you. 
3. Clue number three you will find in a tree. 
4. Now it’s time for clue number four. Look for it by the storage door… 
Tape the clues around your yard or playground ending with the spot where the “treasure story” is hidden. Encourage the children to help you read the clues and follow the directions.   Find a shady spot outside and enjoy reading the book. 

Sit and Write
Each child will need paper, a clipboard or cardboard to write on, and a pencil or crayon. Have children spread out in a comfortable area and write stories, poems, or descriptions of what they see.
*Make clipboards from recycled corrugated cardboard and a butterfly clip.

Alphabet Walk
Tell the children that you are going to go on an alphabet walk and look for things that begin with letters of the alphabet. Start with A and work your way through Z. Take a sheet of paper and write down the objects as the children identify them. For example: A-acorn, B-bird, C-cloud, D-dirt, etc.

Chalk Talk 
Chalk can provide endless writing and reading opportunities.
*Children can decorate a paved surface for a birthday, Father’s Day, or other event.
*Children can practice writing words or drawing shapes.
*Draw a hopscotch design with chalk on a paved surface. Write letters or numerals in each section for the children to identify as they hop and play.

Happy reading and writing!!